
Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Movies?

(The fabled Stockwell Stocking Stuffer.*)

For this week's Very Self Help Radio Christmas, I challenged our resident cinephile Chuck to tell me  movies he considered Christmas movies but others didn't, & he had to defend his choices.  He remembered a Christmas television offer from the early 2000s featuring a set of Dean Stockwell films: "Stuff Your Stocking With Stacks Of Stockwell: The Stockwell Stocking Stuffer."  Chuck wasn't sure if he dreamed it, but I found the actual set on the internets - pictured above.  It was selling on eBay for seven hundred thousand dollars!  So I don't know if they made many of them!

Follow Chuck on Twitter, where he talks about the movies he's watching.

See his YouTube playlist of possible Christmas films.

Read his Letterboxd reviews of the films he watched for the Christmas show.

Here's a list of films available to be streamed for free in places other than YouTube.

& for the completist, Chuck made a list of films with the keyword Christmas for you to peruse.

Do you want to see his playlist from last year?  It's here!

Get away from the family & watch movies on Christmas courtesy of Chuck!

Have a happy holiday!

*I found most of the VHS box images on eBay.  The original box set image is from here.

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