
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Preface To The Golden Show: Oh No What Have I Done

(I found this on the internet in 2015. I have no idea where.)

Something I have complained about before - so much I feel I could be a bore - is that I prefer my themes to be quite narrow.  Because while finding songs for an obscure theme might be a chore, what's worse is if the theme's too broad there's always more - like drops of rain gathering in a wheelbarrow.

Hold on, was I rhyming there?  Okay, I'll stop that.

There are too many songs with "golden" in the title or repeated in the lyrics.  Way too many.  I feel like I need to impose other restrictions.  Because Sunday's nearly over & I still have so many songs to listen to.

What might those restrictions be?  How can the show be organized?  Why didn't they pick a picture of a golden hamster with a golden apple?  It's obviously whatever they called Photoshopped before you could Photoshop things.

All right then.  Back to listening to songs.  I certainly hope you appreciate all I do.  You know, sitting here listening to songs.  Such a difficult thing I do.

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