
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Year End Reckoning

It's time for me to tell you, at the end of 2022, how many radio shows I did this year.

It's not important that you know this.  It's not important at all.

Nonetheless, here's the total - & you know what, let me just say that it's approximate because my record-keeping skills are poor.  It could be plus minus one or two.  But I'll just say that, to the best of my knowledge, here's the total:

In 2022, I put together 134 radio shows.

How did that break down?  Like this:

52 episodes of Self Help Radio (that's right - I did not miss a week!)
(This does not include the seven extra episodes of Self Help Radio that aired on XRAY - though those episodes do add to the total.)

50 episodes of the Dickenbock Report.  I missed only two weeks of that show.

In addition, I managed to make:
Twelve KBOO Sub Shows - usually two & a half hours long, sometimes after my show.
Nine episodes of "KBOO Funnies" - me playing sixty minutes of comedy & stand-up & stuff Monday nights before my show.

In addition, I subbed on XRAY twice, & made two Freeform Portland shows as subs.

One last thing: early in the year, in an attempt to play more new music on XRAY (way before I had a show), I made six weekly mixes of two hours each.  It became a bit too much work for me, so I stopped doing it - but since I didn't talk on the shows, I don't consider them radio shows per se.  They were not added to the total.

Last year I tabulated the number of shows I did & that number was 111.  I am astonished I did more this year.

Since I did this last year, I feel obligated to do it again this year, re: Self Help Radio.
Of the 52 shows:
Forty (40) of them explored unique themes - that is, for the first time,
Six (6) of them explored themes I regularly explore - three for my indiepop nonsense, one for my wife's birthday show, one for my favorite music of the year, & one for a Christmas show.
Unusually, I repeated six themes this year.  One for my anniversary show.  One for my birthday show - I liked so much music from 1986, I needed two shows to play it.  For my Halloween show, I revisited a theme - spiders - which I hadn't previously used as a Halloween theme.  The other three - bees, buzz, & flowers - I repeated for the sake of KBOO's Spring Membership Drive.  & the amount of dollars I raised for KBOO for that effort - zero.  No one donated to my show this year.  Sorry, KBOO.

My estimate is that I was on the radio for more than three hundred hours this past year - the equivalent of almost two weeks of radio featuring me! - & I cannot apologize more.  I wish I could promise that I'll do less.

As always, feel lucky I'm mostly on late at night or early in the morning, when no one is listening.  That's the silver lining in this unpleasant data dump!

Friday, December 30, 2022


It would shock me if, after all this time - after over four thousand posts on this silly blog thing - I haven't entitled a post "Penultimate," as it's one of my favorite words.  We should have words for the next to the last, just as we should have words for the things before & after.  But as far as I know we only have penultimate.

& it turns out I did use the word in a post, from over fourteen years ago, when I was about to do my next-to-the-last Self Help Radio on KOOP in Austin.  My how time flies.  It goes like this:

Preface To My Penultimate Show On KOOP: Yes! I Got To Use The Word Penultimate!

I mean, how often do you get to use the word "penultimate"? Most people prefer "next to last," but not only does "penultimate" sound way cooler than "next to last," but it reminds everyone that the meaning of the word "ultimate" is "the very last." So the next time you see "Billy Joel - The Ultimate Collection," hold the record companies to their promise! No more Billy Joel collections ever!

Oh, tis a sadness to be approaching the end of my KOOP times. I feel blue. But I look forward - to other radio stations in the universe,* to those pesky podcasts which, at last count, almost a few folks have downloaded. & then I look back - & it seems like KOOP is giving me the finger - wait! It's apparently just scratching its face. Whew!

There are so many wonderful stories & experiences that I had at KOOP, I am sure. I have obliterated most of them, of course, with heavy drinking & short-term memory loss incurred by a desperate need I have to impress the women by breaking beer bottles on my head. But my record number of concussions in one four-hour period surely reflects the joy given to me not only by being a part of what is truly a crazy-ass experiment in community radio, but also by the crazy-ass listeners who for whatever reason kept coming back to my show, listening, calling, calling again, still listening, calling, calling into the night, calling even when I am at home & not on the air any longer, continuing to call into the wee hours, calling, calling, hey!, I got caller ID buddy, be aware of that, you freak!

It's the penultimate time you'll get to hear me on that radio station! Pass it on! Use that word all the time until people get annoyed with you. You know you wanna. Come on!

* This turned out to be prescient! I got to be a part of so many other radio stations in the universe!

Anyway, today is the penultimate day of 2022.  You knew that.  That's why I thought of it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Self Help Radio 122722: Indiepop A To Z # 70

(all images from Discogs)

Last Self Help Radio on KBOO of 2022! As usual, every four months I return to my interminable Indiepop A To Z series.  We're in the letter R - we travel from Raintree County to the Reflections.  In between I show off how exhausted I am & I ask for help during KBOO's End Of The Year Drive.  Click if you appreciate these obsessive/compulsive shows I do!

If you would like to listen to three hours of songs that fall into the indiepop genre, that have influenced indiepop, or are indiepop-adjacent, you can do so now or anytime at either the KBOO website or at the Self Help Radio website - where you'll be able to download the show but where you'll need a username & password, which are SHR & selfhelp.

Have a happy new year!  As always, thanks for listening!

Self Help Radio Indiepop A To Z # 70
"Take" Raintree County _C90_
"I'll Keep It With Mine" Rainy Day _Rainy Day_
"1,000 Days" The Rainyard _A Thousand Days_

"Whoops! What A Palaver!" The Raj Quartet _Whoops! What A Palaver!_
"Adriano Celentano" Ralley _Ave Marina: Ten Years Of Marina Records_
"Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" Ramones _Leave Home_
"Fragments Of Youth" Rapid Dance _Fragments Of Youth_
"Hope" Johnny Rasheed _Inspiration_

"Saying Goodbye" Ratcat _Rarities_
"Positively Lost Me" The Rave-Ups _Town + Country_
"Don't Bury Me Yet" The Raw Herbs _Don't Bury Me Yet_
"Dead Sinister" Raw Nerves _Sound As Ever (Australian Indie 90-99) - Volume 2: Stuck On The 90s_
"Louise" Rawhide Chomp _Louise_

"Puddles & Rain" Ray Rumours & The No-Eyed Dears _Indietracks 2009: An Indiepop Compilation_
"I've Been So Right" Ray Wonder _Moshi Moshi: Pop International Style_
"No One Notices Your Brand New T-Shirt" Raymond & Maria _Jobs Where They Don't Know Our Names_
"No-One Can Hold A Candle To You" Raymonde _Babelogue_
"Youth" Razika _Program 91_

"P Street Beach" Razor 18 _A Gift From Sing-Sing_
"It Kills Me Inside" Razorblade Smile _Razorblade Smile_
"Storyteller" Razorcuts _Storyteller_
"Wasting Time" Reading Rainbow _Prism Eyes_
"Noticia Increible" Real Carioca _AƱos Dourados_

"Soren Loved Regina" The Receptionists _The Last Letter_
"See My Face" Recruits _See My Face_
"All-Right!" Recycledpop _Ten; Ten_
"Myra" Red Chair Fadeaway _Curiouser & Curiouser_
"Redo" Red Dye No. 5 _Pop American Style_

"Heartstrings" Red Go-Cart _Skip & Make It Flower_
"Feeling Young" Red Harvest _Strange_
"Spin Out" Red Hour _Spin Out_
"Hibernation" Red Letter Day _The Marsh Marigold Review Gold 01-10_
"My Erstwhile Companion" Red Money _A Kind Of Retrospective 1990-1995_

"Ordinary" Red Riders _Drown In Colour_
"Wet Blanket" Red Roll-On _Sharon Signs To Cherry Red_
"It Happens" Red Sleeping Beauty _Soundtrack_
"Funny How" Reddy Kilowatt _Just For A Day_
"Let's Pretend Were Not in Love" The Reds, Pinks, & Purples _Summer At Land's End_

"Satellite Of Love" Lou Reed _Transformer_
"Only In My Dreams" The Reflection A.O.B. _Only In My Dreams_
"Searching (A Mix)" The Reflections _Searching_

Monday, December 26, 2022

Whither Indiepop A To Z # 70?

(I don't have a picture for you so here's my exceptionally twee cat Boone.)

At the end of every four months, I return to a series I started long ago & far away called "Indiepop A To Z."  At this point in time, I don't really feel there's a larger indiepop community, & I am certainly not a part of it, so my continuing this is entirely a symptom of my obsessive-compulsive nature.  I am currently on the letter R, & probably will not finish it tonight.  The best thing to be said is that, if you like jangle pop or twee pop or some new wave or some shoegaze or some mixture of these & other indie sounds, you'll probably like what I will play.  If you'd rather listen to punk or garage or indie rock, this might not be for you.

It'll be on from midnight to 3am Portland time on 90.7 fm in town & online everywhere at  It's at that point where fans of indie music intersect with fans of alphabetization.  With probably odd results.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Preface To Indiepop A To Z # 70: Christmas Day

Here's a couple of things I found on Tumblr apropos Christmas:

Lou & Reed vibin'.

The Brian Eno Christmas record we need but don't have.

Seriously, I'd do another Christmas show if that were a real Eno record.

Happy day all!