
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Preface To Get Out: It's Not About That Movie

(image from IMDb)

Don't me wrong, I liked the movie. & in fact we'll mention the movie once or twice, how could we not? But the show won't be about the movie. It would be kind of weird if it was, wouldn't it? I'm not even sure where I'd start. I won't brainstorm here because I don't want to spoil the movie. It's one of those movies with a surprise ending of a sort.

Anyway, I would imagine anyone hearing that the theme is "get out" might be reminded of the movie. I mean, I was reminded of the movie. So I figured it's important to clear my throat & say, "It's not about that movie." Without leaving the impression that if it were about the movie, that would be a bad thing. It wouldn't be. In fact, if it were about the movie, it would probably be way more creative that my show could ever possibly be.

Not to overexplain or anything. The movie was a huge hit, see, & groundbreaking - I believe Jordan Peele was the first African-American to win an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. It made him an instant star & it grossed a quarter million dollars. In contrast, I have few listeners on a community radio station that is run by volunteers & has very little money. Maybe I should do a radio show about the movie, encouraging its fans & fans of Jordan Peele in general to throw some of their horror movie dollars our way.

Alas, that's not the case. It's not about the movie. It's in a tiny corner of the shadow of the movie because of the movie's towering presence. Apparently blocking the sun in this metaphor. But you know. I just wanted to make that clear.

This blog post, though. It's very obviously about the movie.

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