
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Outdoor Cats Of September 12th

Here are three pictures, the first one taken in Kentucky on September 12, 2014, & the other two taken in Portland on September 12, 2021+2022. It seems like September 12 is (sometimes) a day for taking pictures of kittens allowed outdoors.

For whatever reason, I don't remember the cats in the top & bottom pictures, but the one on the sofa in the middle was a regular sight on our dogwalks for a time. I haven't seen it lately, though. We have dogs with us so I don't approach the cats (especially if they're on someone's porch or property), which means I never really get to know them. But that cat, with a cute black spot on its head as if it had a 1930s slick-backed haircut, is quite memorable. I hope it's all right.

We get coyotes around here & it's the best reason not to let your cats wander around outside. So many kitties go missing & people lament their loss on social media. I have no data about how many might have been carried away by predators at night, but my own paranoia suggests it's somewhere between all & nearly all. I would be beside myself if one of my dear felines disappeared in such circumstances.

Now I'm trying to think if I took a picture of a cat on a porch today. I don't think I did. Darn it.

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