
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Church Use Only

In general, my wife lets me pick the routes we take when we walk our dogs. She only asks that they be a certain length (so she can get her "steps") & that they're "pretty." I am not always certain about her aesthetic sense so for example recently I had to adjust one of our walks because she decided the area we were walking through was "dirty." Dirty is the opposite of pretty in this case. Anyway, I like to have a couple different circuits to take so they don't get too boring but that wasn't necessarily the case in Kentucky, where the picture above was taken on this day in 2015.

What makes this picture interesting to me is that it was taken on a dogwalk but not on one of our regular dogwalks. In fact, we had to detour quite a bit to get to where this picture was taken. Where was it taken? Let's see if I can find the general area on Guggle Merps. This is the closest I can find:

That's the driveway into Redeemer Community Church. I don't really wanna link to it, but you can find it pretty easily if that's something you need. The dumpster would be kind of straight ahead & on the right. We must've strayed from our regular path that day because it was a particularly nice day. It was also a Saturday, so perhaps we had more time to walk. In any event, I had never walked behind that church before, so I did. & I found the funny sign & the discarded tires. Because churches always have tires they need to get rid of.

It's sad to note that two of the dogs that walked with us that day are no longer with us. Luckily the other two still are & they walk more in Portland than they did in Lexington - we go on two dogwalks a day instead of one. Alas, October 10 in Portland was not a particularly nice day. We got rained on during both walks. & I don't think there's a nearby church whose parking lot we might walk through on either of the walks I took today. Hm.

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