
Thursday, February 01, 2024

Whither Telescopes?

(image from here)

Are you're asking me why there will be a radio show about telescopes today? Um, because telescopes are awesome! I should hope that would be enough.

But you persist: telescopes are awesome, yes, but why in the world would anyone write a song about a telescope? My reply: you can write a song about anything, why not a telescope? For example, it can be a potent metaphor. About seeing clearly. About distance. I mean, I'm not a songwriter. But I know the power of metaphor.

Still you question me: why are you, Gary, doing a show today about telescopes? Asked & answered, your honor. Because telescopes are awesome! & let's be blunt here - almost nothing about Self Help Radio is awesome. It's nice every once in a while to have an awesome theme.

Tune in & stare into the night sky this afternoon from noon to 2pm on 90.3+98.3fm in Portland & online at Freeform Portland dot org for telescopes songs & telescope interviews & telescope talk. Because telescopes are awesome!

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