
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Preface To Eagle: I Think It's An Eagle?

Sometime ten years ago I started taking pictures with my wife's cheap digital camera. Just things I thought were interesting around the neighborhood. Though I have a slightly better digital camera now with which I take pictures, I haven't become a skillful photographer by any stretch of the imagination. I still take pictures & share them on my personal Facebook page & over on the show's Tumblr page.

What has turned out to be handy is that when I have a theme - like "eagles," which will be this week's show - I can go to the folder where I store the images & I can type a name into my window's search bar & lo + behold there might be an image which fits the theme. The search engine is pretty powerful - it will find the word I typed in the pictures. What this means is I don't have to use someone else's images in these Self Help Radio things I do. Mostly they're mine - if they're not, I tell you so.

But look at this. The image above - which I took in December 2014 & which I entitled "Murca," came up when I typed in the word eagle. I don't think it looks like an eagle - do you? I think it more resembles a smooth dragon. But whatever. I needed an image for this blog entry & I've never seen an eagle in real life. Even though we have plenty around here.

Why a show about eagles? I'll answer that tomorrow.

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