
Friday, May 17, 2024

This Week In Self Help (May 12 + 14 2024)

Despite some difficulties I managed to make three radio shows this week & even have some recorded proof of that. Though I did a show with the theme "arrested" I wasn't hassled by the police at all! They actually hardly ever come around anymore. Seems like something offended them & hurt their feelings.

Please don't get arrested, but do listen to this week's show, which you can access with this direct link right here. You will need the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access. & you can download it!

You can also on the KBOO website, here is that link. No password needed.

The KBOO link also includes this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming (which follows Self Help Radio). On that show, I played music of musicians whom we've recently lost. If you'd rather listen to it/download it from the Self Help Radio website, here is the link for that. Same username & password for Self Help Radio apply.

The Sunday before all that was The Dickenbock Report, a show about hospitals on National Hospital Day. No, I wasn't in the hospital either. We were reporting the news! The show is on the Self Help Radio web page linked here, & also on the XRAY web page.

Someone's at the door - oh no it's the cops!

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