(image by Paul Davis from here)
Most of the time I'm not entirely sure where the ideas for my radio shows come from. Usually it's something I notice in songs I've been listening to - a strange, unexpected repetition of an idea, a word, a phrase. Lots of times it's something more direct - I wanna do a show about this. Rarely - too rarely - it's something someone suggested. I wish I got more suggestions. But lots of times I just can't remember. I write down (or create a folder on my computer) the word or phrase that's the idea for the theme & can't recall why I did that.
But I suspect I know when I thought I should do a show about catastrophe. The show isn't political, though I obviously have my political leanings. I think I thought "catastrophe" might be a good theme when I finally saw clips of Joe Biden in the June debate with the other guy. The four years that other guy was President were not happy years for me. I saw Biden's performance as the prelude to an electoral catastrophe. One the country might not survive. & most probably my brain said, "Wallow in this, you fool. Make a show about it."
It does not matter that the likelihood of such a catastrophe has been reduced. I don't mind when my negative predictions don't come true. But I am stuck with a show about catastrophe. & don't worry! says my sadistic brain. Something sufficiently catastrophic will happen soon enough!
It could be tonight's show! Midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in town & online at kboo dot fm. Be safe. Sleep through it.
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