
Sunday, November 03, 2024

Preface To This Week's Show: What's A Mental Health Day?

(Original image here)

Here's what very well mind dot com says a "mental health day" is: "A mental health day is a day you take off from work or school, & minimize any commitments or responsibilities. You can use this time to focus on relieving stress, relaxing, having fun, & preventing burnout."

In my case, the relieving stress part seems paramount. I am incredibly stressed out by the upcoming election. I think I had a panic attack on Election Night 2020. It has made the past few days difficult for me. I am finding it hard to concentrate. I get genuinely anxious when I see anything on the news.

Usually Sundays & Mondays are days I work on Self Help Radio. I hope you don't think the interviews on the show are real - they are really improvised, but I usually do that with the funny people who act as the interviewees during the previous week. I managed to scrape together an episode of The Dickenbock Report today but have not done any work for SHR today. & I can't imagine tomorrow will be any better.

Last night I was up late looking over the mayoral & city council candidates for Portland. It was pretty taxing & stressful. Voting for President was not but it's not my vote I'm worried about - it's the rest of this country.

So I believe I'll take a mental health day tomorrow & forego an episode of Self Help Radio. I'll have some music programmed & there'll be a new episode of Corporate Standardized Programming but no theme, no interviews, no lame attempts at me being funny. I just don't have it in me.

& yeah, I stole the above image for World Mental Health Day & removed the World. Sue me.

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