
Monday, August 30, 2010

Whither Revenge?

It's funny you should ask that. I was having a conversation with someone tonight - let's just say it was my mother, since she's 82 & more or less inoffensive - & she was talking about a friend with whom she's estranged & the desperate need she seems to feel to do something to "pay them back" for a perceived wrong. This wrong, it turns out, is simply disagreeing with her. My mother (hypothetically) can't abide the fact that this friend disagrees with her on how she (my mother, but not really) feels her friend should be living her life.

How would this revenge she desires take place? A sarcastic card seemed to be the weapon of choice. I asked my mother (it wasn't really my mother), "Do you want to stay friends with this person?" She said, yes. But she was angry at her. I said, "Do you think this card you would send with mean stuff written in it would make her realize that you were right & she was wrong, or do you think it would make her not want to speak to you ever again." My mother (who is not the person I am really talking about, I swear) said she thought it would continue the feud. "I guess I'd rather be her friend than hurt her," she said.

I'll bet you she sends the mean card anyway. People are like that.

Oh, & yes, Self Help Radio is on very early Tuesday morning at 4:30 am. You won't be up for it, this I know, & I don't expect you to be, though you can of course hear it live on the 88.1 fm frequency in all of Lexington as well as online at if you are. If you're like me & I certainly hope you're not that unfortunate, you will wait to hear it some time on Tuesday at You can download it in secrecy & if anyone asks, just tell them it's porn. That's not as embarrassing.

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