
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Off... In The Distance... A Radio Show!

In the distance you see the new episode of Self Help Radio. You'll want to keep your distance. Surely it cannot possibly go the distance. Yet as your distance yourself, you think perhaps you could handle a long distance relationship with the show. Although those never work. & now, with a distant look in your eyes, you stare off into the middle distance, wondering why the show & you seem so distant from one another...

Though it feels like it happened in the distant past, this morning's episode of Self Help Radio - which, despite what you heard, wasn't a tribute to crinkly things, but rather about distance - just happened. & you may have been too far away (or too aloof) to listen to it live, but you can hear it now at It's waiting there for you, no matter what distances you must travel to get to it.

There's also a new episode of Sugar Substitute, but it's not as pretentious as that other show.

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