
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Murderous Impulses

You've probably seen this headline: Cats Killing Billions Of Animals In The U.S.

Does this look like the face of a killer to you?
Okay, it does.  But she's not!

I have three cats but I keep them indoors because I am selfish.  This article says that an outdoor cat has a life expectancy of five years.  Five years!  That beautiful creature up there is named Beatrice, & in June she turned 13 years old.  I might have lost her eight years ago if she had been an outdoor cat.

(Probably longer - she's very skittish.)

We have a sun room in which she spend a great deal of time, & the windows are always open.  She doesn't seem to want to go outside - she has a pretty good gig as it is.

& the birds outside are very happy about the arrangement!

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