
Monday, February 27, 2017

Another Post Entitled "What I Did Today"

Somehow I thought it would be funny to turn this blog - ostensibly about a radio show - into a kind of mundane diary recounting dumb experiences I had during the day like anyone cares.  It's just that I don't have many experiences, dumb or otherwise.

For example, the best experiences I had today were dreams.  This morning I dreamt I went to a sort of secret party where I saw people I knew but was aware I had to call them by special names.  I sat on a sofa next to John Cleese where I ruined everything by acknowledging of him & thanking him for all the joy he gave me which led to him standing up & going to sit somewhere else.

& when I napped this afternoon, I dreamt I was in a car accident on I-30 - a road on which I am a lot, as I take that route to volunteer at KNON - & it was strange to wake up in bed & slowly realize that I wasn't in a car at all.

Other than that, I spent the day working on my show.

But I do keep a kind of diary.  It's more or less a list of things I've done - nothing interesting like thoughts or philosophizing - it's more a memory aid.  I can look at it & it lets me know things I might have done a couple years ago that I'm sure to forget.  For example, two years ago today, I read:

Woke to find out that Leonard Nimoy died.  He was 83.  Shit.  Ow, fuck.  Sad.

It occurs to me that this blog also sort of function as a diary of a kind reminding me of what might have been happening at some point in time.  For example, three years ago here, when I was writing about the theme split, I began the blog entry like so:

One day I split in two.  Was it mitosis?  Was it meiosis?  Was it youosis?  I have noosis idea.

Ho ho, what a card.

Best I stop a) talking about my life & b) trying to be funny.  Stick to the radio shit, pal!

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