
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Preface To… Another Rerun?

I asked the other day on this radio show's Facebook page if anyone listened to the "rerun" I put up last Friday.  Honestly, if you didn't listen to it, I understand - I listened to it myself & was deeply embarrassed about the whole thing.  According to my web hosting provider, a total of four people clicked the link - which doesn't guarantee that the show was listened to.  Just that it was clicked on.  Maybe downloaded & never listened to.  Maybe download just to be thrown away!  Okay, I did that.  What is wrong with me?  Masochism.

I was hoping that I had previously done a Self Help Radio episode on another May 15th.  I mean, I've done hundreds of these damn shows, & there are only 365 days in the year*, so surely I've done a show on the fifteenth of May.  Have I?

I haven't.  I don't know what it is about the fifteenth of May, but for some reason, despite doing Self Help Radio on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, I've managed to avoid that date.  I did, however, do a show on the fourteenth of May twice.  One of those times, I did a show about children.  It was in 2003, & although I am certain that I have a copy of the show on cassette tape, I don't have a digital copy.  (& if I am certain that I have a copy on cassette tape, I'm not certain I know where that tape is.)

I did another show on May 14, 2012 - just three years ago, so on WRFL - about bows & arrows, & I just listened to it, & it doesn't suck nearly as bad as the previous "rerun," so I think I will feature it at the top of my page on Friday.  Will anyone listen to it?  Nah.

But I gotta do something!

* Fun fact: I've done a show on February 29.

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