Sunday, January 06, 2013

Whither George's Show?

As I mentioned yesterday, I lost a great friend in my dog George nearly a month ago.  This show is a tribute to him in the usual dumbass Self Help Radio way.  He would have been very bored by it because it didn't involve treats.

George, we like to tell everyone, invented what was called the "pre-treat."  Normally, we'd give the boys a treat after they do something good, like going outside to urinate or defecate instead of goofing around.  But George later in his life had to be cajoled into actually going outside with a treat.  So in effect, he got a treat before he did the thing that got him a treat.  A pre-treat.

His name will go down in Beagle history.

It airs tomorrow from 7 to 9am on 88.1 fm WRFL Lexington, & online at wrfl dot fm.  Later, it will appear at self help radio dot net.  How much later I cannot rightly say.

I will probably cry on the air tomorrow.  My apologies for being such a baby.  But I really loved that dog.

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