Monday, July 16, 2012

Ever So Slight Delay

Would it bother anyone if it took me longer than a day to put today's episode of Self Help Radio up on the Self Help Radio website?

Oh, you didn't know there was an episode of Self Help Radio today?  Yeah, it's on Mondays.  Since when?  I guess it's been over a year now.  Yeah, sometimes I don't make myself very clear.  What?  It's on in Lexington.  Lexington, Kentucky.  No, you see, I haven't lived in Austin for over three years.  What's that?  You didn't listen to the show when it was on there, either?  Then please, don't let me ruin your happy life!

Okay, since no one cares either way - by which I mean, no one cares - I will edit the show & put it online tomorrow.  Tonight, I battle evil wearing long underwear!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand. :) You are battling Evil while wearing long underwear? Or are you battling Evil which is itself wearing long underwear? Or the third meaning, are you battling "Evil-wearing" long underwear?

Self Help Radio said...
