Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I didn't get a chance to do this two posts ago...

One of my favorite boring bookkeeping events passed & I barely noted it: the 1900th post on this blog!

You're not paying attention anyway, but I like to do this:

I started this blog on September 12, 2006.  Holy fuck, that's eight years ago!

I reached 100 posts on Match 7, 2007.
I reached 200 posts on August 13, 2007.
I reached 300 posts on January 11, 2008.
I reached 400 posts on May 29, 2008.
I reached 500 posts on October 19, 2008.
I reached 600 posts on April 2, 2009.
I reached 700 posts on October 4. 2009.
I reached 800 posts on May 2, 2010.
I reached 900 posts on July 30, 2010.
I reached 1000 posts on January 4, 2011.
I reached 1100 posts on May 30, 2011.
I reached 1200 posts on October 23, 2011.
I reached 1300 posts on Mach 3, 2012.
I reached 1400 posts on July 30, 2012.
I reached 1500 posts on December 23, 2012.
I reached 1600 posts on April 23, 2013.
I reached 1700 posts on November 22, 2013.
I reached 1800 posts on April 21, 2014.
I reached 1900 posts on September 12, 2014.

If you stumble through this blog - & please don't, it's embarrassing for me - you'll find that I do a celebratory "anniversary post" most of the time.  But you'll notice it's usually wrong - the blog entry entitled "The Legendary 1000th Post," for example, happened on December 14, 2010 (when it was a not-very-legendary 994th post), instead of six posts later.  There's a reason for that: I'm dumb.

Blogger very handily tells you the number of posts you've published.  It also notes when you start a post (a "draft") & then saves it if you don't finish or if you forget about it.

I'm not a "draft" writing kind of guy.  I wish I were - boy, I'd love to be able to rewrite some of my crap to make it better - but if I write something, & don't finish it, & close the window on the computer, I'll probably not return to it.  I'll almost certainly open another window & write something new.

I obviously have done this several times on this blog.  For a long time, I had six or so drafts in my draft folder, which Blogger counted toward my total.  I deleted them.  Most of them were blank pages anyway.  Now I can just go look at every hundredth post from the beginning, but back then - well, I'm dumb.  I trusted the number & I counted backwards.

Let me repeat that: I counted backwards.

I am fascinated about the time periods represented here.  From October 2002 to May 2008, Self Help Radio was on KOOP in Austin.  From May 2008 till June 2009, it existed as a podcast.  From July 2009 to June 2010, it was on WMUL in Huntington.  From August 2010 till present (excepting Spring of this year) it has been on WRFL in Lexington.  So that total is:

KOOP: five years, eight months
WMUL: eleven months
WRFL: three years, eleven months
Podcast: one year, seven months (at different times)

Does that add up to eleven years, eleven months?  Because that's hold long I've been doing Self Help Radio!

(Actually, it adds up to 12 years, one month, because I counted a couple of months, like May of 2008 & January of this year, when I have half in one place, half another.)

(I'm still celebrating my twelve anniversary next month.)

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