Monday, April 25, 2011

Whither Indiepop A To Z # 31?

It does seem a little hopeless, doesn't it?

This time, though, I shall finish the Fs. Here are some useless factoids about the Indiepop Fs:

I counted 120 bands whose name (or performers whose last name) started with the letter F. This includes the seven performers/bands I will be playing tomorrow night.

The first band was the Factory Owners. The last band will be Fuzzy.

I started the Indiepop Fs on the show that aired March 1, 2010. It means it took me over a year to finish the Indiepop Fs. (Which, you'll recall, have not yet been finished. But pretend it's so.) Part of the reason is that I've slowed down the occurrence of my "Indiepop A To Z" episodes. I do them only every four months or so now. I'd do them more if I were allowed to do them on WRFL when I do Sugar Substitute, but I must play music from the station's playbox so it can report to whomever we report to, & they would make the Indiepop A To Z seem a little disjointed.

I have no predictions about the Indiepop Gs. They could go fast, or they could take an equivalent amount of time. I don't think they'll be longer than the Fs, though. G is not a popular letter. After all, it's how my own name begins.

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