Well. Here it is. The eighteenth (18th) birthday show I have made for the woman I love. We've been together for twenty years - & married for thirteen (!) of those - & somehow I've managed to find enough birthday songs - recordings I have not previously played - to fill many hours of radio. Every year it seems like I just won't be able to do it - writing birthday songs is not an industry like Christmas songs - but this year was not my Waterloo. I will live to have another birthday show.
That being said, except for the awful in-studio version of the Beatles' "Birthday," I think it went all right. I will remind you that it's the End Of The Year Membership Drive at KBOO so your support would be greatly appreciated -
donate here! But my wife would rather you get her a birthday present. I will not however share her outrageous wish list with you. No one needs that many fancy ladders.
You can listen to the show now, or on your birthday, or on anyone's birthday, at both
the KBOO website or at
the Self Help Radio website. Should you choose the latter, make sure you remember the username (SHR) & the password (selfhelp) or you won't be able to listen. So much happens during the show! What is played & what happens is detailed below.
Happy Birthday!
Self Help Radio Magda's Birthday Show 2021
"Opening Presents" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Happy Happy Birthday Baby (Acappella)" The Derbys _Music City Vocal Groups (Greasy Love Songs Of Teenage Romance, Regret, Hope, & Despair)_
"Birthday Morning" The Association _Birthday_
introduction & explanations
"Surprise Birthday Party" Vernon Oxford _Keeper Of The Flame_
"Last Night I Dreamed My Birthday" Luke Winslow-King _Everlasting Arms_
"Pin The Tail On The Donkey" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Birthday Cake" Green Hands _Random Things, Purple Rings_
"Birthday" Ben & Amy _Science_
our librarian friend Carole stops by to talk about birthday books
"The Birthday Present II" Loudon Wainwright III _Little Ship_
"Birthday Card" Kate Sikora _Just Enough Space_
"The Gossip Game" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Birthday Night" Black _Wonderful Life_
"Everybody's Birthday" Hana Vu _Public Storage_
interview with columnist Hank Doherty about his favorite birthday party
"My Birthday" The Cucumbers _Total Vegitility_
"The Birthday Game" The Centimeters _The Lifetime Achievement Awards_
"Ice Cream & Cake" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Birthday" The Chloes _Vanish_
"Birthday" Nectar _Knocking At The Door_
interview with Jim Scott, author of A Birthday Every Day Of The Year
"Birthday @ The Mall" Snog _Lullabies For The Lithium Age_
"Best Friend's Birthday" Wolfgang Flür _Eloquence: The Complete Works_
"Cat & Mouse" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Happy Birthday, Baby" Elbow Bones & The Racketeers _New York At Dawn_
"Birthdays" MF Robots _Break The Wall_
Captain McCheese & Ned Dry perform "Birthday" live in the studio
"Happy Birthday" The Rebeatles Project _Get Back_
"Birthday Song" Prabir Trio _Haanji_
"Birthday" Luby Sparks _Birthday_
"Simon Says" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Birthday" Pom Poko _Birthday_
"Birthday" Deaf Wish _Lithium Zion_
A few words about Giving Tuesday & the End Of The Year Membership Drive
"Birthday" Kay There House Builder _Insanely Ugly & Incredibly Untalented_
"Birthday Cake" Slothrust _The Pact_
"Birthday" Violent Mae _Kid_
"My Day" Rosemary Rice _Songs & Games For A Happy Birthday Party_
"Birthday Card" Mini Golf _I Need This To Make Sense_
"Birthday" My Idea _That's My Idea_
conclusion & goodbye
"21st Birthday" The Von Bondies _We Are Kamikazes Aiming Straight For Your Heart_
"19 Birthdays" Quinn Walker _Lion Land_
"Birthdays" Sarah Tolley _3 AM On The Bathroom Floor_
"Birthdays" Yani Martinelli _Astral_
*"Teddy-Bear-Birthday-Cake-Severed-Head" by eevblog is licensed under CC BY 2.0