Friday, July 26, 2024

This Week In Self Help (July 21 + 23 2024)

(found here)

That's an image of Austin's newsweekly the Austin Chronicle from 1988 which I almost certainly picked up at a record store & read at that time but I have no memory of it whatsoever. I kinda want to read (reread?) the article about Austin's "alternative radio" - there was no community or college station in Austin at that time. I don't think their archives go back that far tho.

Meanwhile! I returned to Portland after a week in California to make these radio shows this week:

On the Dickenbock Report on Sunday, I celebrated Belgian artists on National Belgian Day. You can listen to that musical survey either on the XRAY web site or downloading the show from the Self Help Radio website. If you do the latter, please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access.

On Self Help Radio on Tuesday, I played more of my favorite music from 1988. You can listen to that show on the KBOO website here, or download the show directly from the Self Help Radio website & please remember SHR + selfhelp to access.

The KBOO show includes this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming which featured an hour of my favorite hip hop from 1988 but if you'd prefer to listen to that as a separate file, you can download it directly from the Self Help Radio website. See username/password info above.

& that was the week that was.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Self Help Radio 072324: 1988 (Continued)

(All images from Discogs)

Here it is, another couple of hours of my favorite music from 1988. It may not surprise you I have another hour's worth of songs that I could've played. & maybe I'll play them! But probably not on Self Help Radio.

Of course I haven't started planning for the 1989 show but I do wonder if there is another year of music as important to me as 1988. As I have discussed here & on the show, the year changed a lot of what my life was like. I went from a lonely fellow who pined over girls to one starting a relationship that would last for a time. Though I read a lot, it was the music that informed my life. I would walk through the empty streets of Garland, Texas, in the dead of night in the summer of 1988, listening to music on a Walkman. It may be the way I still see myself thirty-six years later.

Which leads me to say: I should warn you that I reminisce a lot on the show. Maybe in the small chance you do listen you can zip past those parts.

Listen? But how? Either at the KBOO web site or at the Self Help Radio website. Should you choose to listen at the latter, make sure you have the username SHR & the password selfhelp handy. The KBOO file includes an hour of my favorite hip hop from 1988; it's a different show on the SHR website.

Back to the regular goofiness next week.

Self Help Radio 1988 (Continued) Show
"Ghosts Of American Astronauts" The Mekons _So Good It Hurts_
"When Harpo Played His Harp" Jonathan Richman _Modern Lovers 88_
"Turning Of The Tide" Richard Thompson _Amnesia_

"Turkish Song Of The Damned" The Pogues _If I Should Fall From Grace With God_
"Chant Of The Paladin" Dead Can Dance _The Serpent's Egg_
"King Of Soul" The Wolfgang Press _Bird Wood Cage_
"Peek-A-Boo" Siouxsie & The Banshees _Peepshow_

"Why Do You Have To Go Out With Him When You Could Go Out With Me" The Brilliant Corners _Why Do You Have To Go Out With Him When You Could Go Out With Me_
"Shimmer" The Flatmates _Shimmer_
"I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist" Another Sunny Day _I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist_
"Sunshine Thuggery" The Siddeleys _Sunshine Thuggery_
"Looking For Lot 49" The Jazz Butcher _Fishcotheque_

"Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste" Galaxie 500 _Today_
"You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby" Kirsty MacColl _You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby_
"It's Only Life" The Feelies _Only Life_
"You Will Be Loved Again" Mary Margaret O'Hara _Miss America_

"Charlotte Anne" Julian Cope _My Nation Underground_
"Martha's Harbour" All About Eve _All About Eve_
"The Camera Loves Me" Would-Be-Goods _The Camera Loves Me_
"Balloon Man" Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians _Globe Of Frogs_

"Indian Summer" Beat Happening _Jamboree_
"Burst" The Darling Buds _Burst_
"Bitter End" Felt _The Pictorial Jackson Review_
"Surfaround" The Fizzbombs _The Surfin' Winter EP_
"Christine" The House Of Love _The House Of Love_

"She Paints" Biff Bang Pow! _Love Is Forever_
"The Train" The Nits _Hat_
"Return To Yesterday" The Lilac Time _The Lilac Time_

Monday, July 22, 2024

Whither 1988 (Continued)?

Hey! That's an embarrassing picture of me with blonde hair in the summer of 1988! I really am grateful taking pictures was so expensive back then - there would be so many more humiliating selfies of me than I could handle if I were twenty in 2024.

Anyway... 1988 was a very important year for music for me. So much great music was released then that I needed a whole other radio show to continue to play what I loved. (The first installment, which I played six months ago around the time of my birthday, you can listen to here if you want.) I think I found over six hours of songs to play. But I won't continue with this theme after this. I better make it count!

It's tonight. Midnight to 2am. On 90.7fm in Portland & online at kboo dot fm. There's no way that doofus up there knew he'd ever be on the radio!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Preface To 1988 (Continued): Archaeology

The screenshot above is from I guess a promotional film for UT Austin in 1988. This week on Self Help Radio I am revisiting my earlier theme of my favorite music of 1988. Why? Because it was a very important year of music for me. Way too much music I love to fit in one two-hour show.

This video on Youtube tries to capture the UT campus in 1988. Interestingly, the Erwin Center has been demolished. I never saw a concert there - I decided at some point not to see shows in arenas - but I did go there once to add/drop classes. I also spent very little time on Sixth Street when I lived in Austin. Mainly I would walk down that way getting to KOOP, which was for a time on 5th & San Jacinto. But I walked down 6th because that's where the bus let off.

May I speak a little about the Texas Union Theatre? There was a delightful programming of movies there - I must've seen hundreds of films there - especially series - I watched five John Cassavetes movies in a row there - as well as numerous foreign films - it was easy to get to, it was free, & though sometimes someone wasn't there, you could buy cheap popcorn before the film. Truly if you go to UT Austin right now you have no idea how amazing that campus once was. Is there even a Student Union? Is it full of chain restaurants now?

Answer: mostly. They don't seem to show movies there anymore. I guess Cactus Cafe still has shows.

The truth is, I didn't really do a lot in Austin in 1988. At the beginning of the year, I was a little lonesome & made it through my classes even tho I had a couple of needy fucking roommates who sucked all the air out of my life (I did kind of enable them). I spent the summer in Garland being a selfish douche. & fell in love when I returned with someone who would never love me. So my life was pretty circumscribed by school, horrible friends, & girl.

If I could go back again, I'd try to experience a bit more of the city. I probably wouldn't see a show at the Erwin Center, however.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: Belgian National Day

That picture was taken very late at night in Ghent, Belgium, in the early part of this century. It's a shop window I think. It might also have been New Year's Eve.

In fact, I've been to Belgium twice. But that's not the reason for a show featuring many artists from Belgium - no, July 21 is Belgian National Day. Some American sources call it Belgium Independence Day, which it kind of is. But it isn't. Tune in to discover the nuance - & to hear some Belgian originals.

That's tomorrow, July 21, noon to 1pm on XRAY - 91.1+107.1fm in town, xray dot fm everywhere.

We will also be asking you to help XRAY purchase our 107.1fm frequency during the show. Find out more & donate here!

Friday, July 19, 2024

This Week In Self Help (July 12 14 + 16 2024)

There wasn't a new Self Help Radio this week but there was a new Dickenbock Report plus I subbed a show on XRAY & I made a three-hour radio show for Self Help Radio's timeslot even though I was a state away. Wanna listen to any of that? No? Well I'll put links here anyway just in case. You don't think I should because you'll never listen? I'll do it anyway. Just humor me. Just fucking humor me.

A week ago I was on the radio on XRAY from 4-6pm. The show is available to listen to on the XRAY website & also on the Self Help Radio website. Please remember the username/password combo SHR/selfhelp to access/download the show/

The Dickenbock Report reported on Barn Day. That show is on the XRAY website. & on the Self Help Radio website. Same username/password needed.

Finally, I forewent Self Help Radio & Corporate Standardized Programming for three hours of new releases. Listen to that either on the KBOO website or on the Self Help Radio website.

The regular nonsense continues now that I'm back in town.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Magnetic Movies

(image from the IMDb)

Over a week ago (!) I had a radio show about magnets. You can listen to it here. Or you can listen to it here. About halfway through the show our resident cinephile Chuck stopped by to talk about movies featuring magnets. Below are supplemental links provided by Chuck for your education & edification:

His Letterboxd list. (Chuck put the links to available videos in the notes for the films plus where they are available to stream for free.)

Chuck sez: I posted about some of the films here. I tweeted about some of the films here. It's just the same links that are here for now, but go ahead and give me a follow. I usually follow back.

Sorry it was so late in coming! I was away for a week.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Whither A Week Without Self Help Radio?

(image from here)

This week I'm on vacation! There's no Self Help Radio! But like some kinda weirdo I recorded three hours of music for you! Wow I need to be frugal with these exclamation point! I'm gonna run out of them!

The show that is not Self Help Radio airs tonight at midnight on 90.7fm in Portland & online at kboo dot fm. That's 12-3am Tuesday morning.

Honestly, you might prefer it to the nonsense that is Self Help Radio.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Preface To A Week Without Self Help Radio: The Uncomfortable End Of The 1968 Project

(image from here)

So. As I've explained before, I decided to listen to records from 1968 as voted on by users of the website Rate Your Music & then playing the longest song on the record on the radio (usually on sub shows) & talking about the song & the record. I did seven of them. & I made a dumb mistake.

Here's the mistake: the website is dynamic. Users can vote all the time on the records. & they do. So the list kept changing. Especially past the first fifty entries or so. Okay, that's not the mistake. The mistake was that I felt the desperate need to update my own list with any changes in the order on the list. Let me give you an example.

In between (let's say) the fifth & sixth entries something like ten entries moved up &/or down in such a dramatic fashion that I spent the first third of the show "catching up" - & telling you, like you give a damn, about the numbers they were & the numbers they are (as of the show).

This was a very dumb way to manage this. As I was gathering material for the eighth installment, there were so many entries that moved & changed that they would now take up the bulk of that show. It was becoming unwieldy. & it was all because I felt the need to be somewhat faithful to the list as is than perhaps as it was when I started the project.

Because the project was intermittent. I did seven parts in over a year, maybe in almost two years. Of course a dynamic, user-opinion-based list would change a lot.

Which is a long-winded way of saying that I'm not going to continue with the 1968 Project at this point. But.

Soon enough I'm going to attempt the 1969 Project. & when I do that, I am going to take a snapshot of that album list on Rate Your Music & I am going to keep that snapshot & not attempt to keep up with the changes as new users vote on the 1969 album list.

In effect I'm saying I won't make the same mistake again.

This by the way is an example of how insular my radio world is. Virtually no one heard these radio shows I'm talking about, & less might have sought them out on my website, & a sum total of nobody at all was wondering when I would return to it. But I felt the need to explain why I haven't done an eighth episode at this point.

If you're thinking, wow that's dumb. It is! I know it is! & yet. This is me.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: Barn Day

That picture of the sad remains of a once-proud barn was taken in Kentucky in 2015. I'm sure I saw plenty of awesome barns still in use. Someone those are not as photogenic as the one up there, looking so forlorn. But we shouldn't focus on crumbling barns!

July 14 is Barn Day. On the Dickenbock Report this week we'll talk about barns, hear musical reports about barns, & we might even be broadcasting from a barn! I hope it's not a haunted barn.

That's tomorrow, July 14, noon to 1pm on XRAY - 91.1+107.1fm in town, xray dot fm everywhere.

& yes, my mother, who raised me, often asked me if I were raised in a barn. It seemed like the strangest question coming from her.

Friday, July 12, 2024

This Week In Self Help (July 7 + 9 2024)

Above is a picture of The Magnetic Fields in Portland in 2022 at the Aladdin Theater. They don't have any songs about magnets so I didn't play them on my magnet show but certainly I thought about them a lot - they are one of my favorite bands.

This weeks started though with an episode of The Dickenbock Report on National Macaroni Day. It was very, very fun sorting through songs about macaroni. I liked it lots. You can listen to the show at the XRAY website here or directly from the Self Help Radio website by clicking on this link. You may need the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access.

Then comes Self Help Radio, about magnets this week. You can listen to the show at the KBOO website or you can download it from the Self Help Radio website. Same username/password issues apply.

At the end of the KBOO file is this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming, which once again focused on dead folks. You can listen at the end of the KBOO SHR episode or download the show directly right here.

There is no new Self Help Radio next week but that doesn't mean I won't have more radio to share. Like, I subbed a show on XRAY this week! But you'll have to wait a bit to listen if you missed it, sorry.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Self Help Radio 070924: Magnets

What an attractive show this was. Ho ho ho. Seriously, you won't be able to resist. Ha ha ha.

Yikes, magnet puns are affecting me negatively. Just let it be known Self Help Radio this morning was a show about magnets. Songs, interviews, a robot that defines things, the usual. I have really nothing else to add.

Listen when you want at either the KBOO website or at the Self Help Radio website. If you choose the latter, you need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp). There's a story about the recording of this show which I may well tell soon enough but maybe not. Everything that happened on the show is below. Most everything. Some things are left to discover.

Find your true magnetic north!

Self Help Radio Magnets show
"It's A Magnet" Dorothy Collins _Experiment Songs (From Ballads For The Age Of Science)_
"Magnetism" Sonny James _Young Love: The Complete Recordings 1952-1962_
"The Human Magnet Song" Joanna Sternberg _I've Got Me_

introductions & definitions - featuring the Definition-O-Tron 3000!

"(Your Love Is Like A) Magnet" The Age Of Reason _Ear-Piercing Punk_
"Magnetism" Escombros _Love, Peace, & Poetry - Chilean Psychedelic Music_
"Magnetic Hearts" Vs. _Magnetic Hearts_
"Magnetic Attraction" Y Pants _Y Pants_
"The Electronic Magnetism (That's Heavy Baby)" Solomon Burke _Electronic Magnetism_

interview with Frank Bolton, inventor of the Bolton Method of improving personal magnetism

"The Magnet" Wandering Lucy _Leap Year_
"Fridge Magnet Song" The Lucksmiths _Boondoggle_
"Magnet" Yo La Tengo _Prisoners Of Love (A Smattering Of Scintillating Senescent Songs 1985-2003)_
"Magnets" Digitalism _Idealism_

our resident cinephile Chuck stops by!

"Magnet Face" Wet Dog _Future Love Songs_
"Magnet" Bikini Kill _Pussy Whipped_
"Capture With A Magnet" The Thermals _No Culture Icons_
"Your Life On Magnetic Tape" The Russian Futurists _Let's Get Ready To Crumble_

interview with Dude Magnet author Fay Bowers

"Psycho Magnet" Spearmint _Paris In A Bottle_
"Freak Magnet" Violent Femmes _Freak Magnet_
"Magnetic Woman" Eerie Wanda _Pet Town_
"Silver Arc Curving In The Magnetic Field" His Name Is Alive _Patterns Of Light_

interview with musician Foster Biggs, who makes music with magnets

"The Loneliness Of Magnets" The Handsome Family _Honey Moon_
"Sky Magnet" Frankie Cosmos _Inner World Peace_
"He's A Magnet" Mark Mulcahy _Dear Mark J. Mulcahy, I Love You_
"Magnetism" Lavender Blush _There's Nothing Inside Your Heart_

conclusion & goodbye

"Magnetizing (feat. Del Tha Funkee Homosapien)" Handsome Boy Modeling School _So... How's Your Girl?_
"Magnetic" Freezepop _Imaginary Friends_
"Mr. Magnetism Himself" Bill Nelson _The Two-Fold Aspect Of Everything_
"It's A Magnet (Reprise)" Dorothy Collins _Experiment Songs (From Ballads For The Age Of Science)_

Monday, July 08, 2024

Whither Magnets?

(image by David Shrigley)

Gosh. I have been racking my brain trying to remember when I first thought of magnets. It might have been one of the stranded themes I keep in a sad folder to which I return when I am out of ideas. It might have had a different inciting incident. I can't recall, sorry.

There is this story: this morning I went to a local toy store to get a horseshoe magnet. I was so inspired by the songs & interviews I had been doing that I wanted a magnet of my own & I wanted it to look like the magnets in cartoons. I checked their website & it said they had them in stock. But they did not. I must've looked as dejected as Charlie Brown as I left that local toy store.

Not that I would've taken the magnet with me to the show! I am afraid of doing what the cartoon above threatens. That might be why I currently don't have a magnet.

The Self Help Radio magnets show airs tonight midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in Portland & online everywhere at kboo dot fm. I don't think it'll erase your hard drive.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Preface To Magnets: Mid-Year Tally

(image from here*)

This post isn't about magnets. Self Help Radio this week is about magnets. But this post isn't. I just had nowhere else to mention this - & the time is right!

June 30 was almost the halfway point for the year. In 2024 it was the 182nd day of the year - because this is a leap year - with 184 days of the year. There's no "middle day" in leap years. But since it was the end of the sixth month, with six months left, it feels fine as an arbitrary midpoint.

This year for the first time ever I've kept notes about the radio shows I've done. Usually I try to count them up at the end of the year, but this year I kept & keep track every week. I have three radio shows currently - altho one of them is now tacked at the end of another, so I'm not on the radio three times a week. But sometimes I am! With sub shows & stuff.

What I didn't do - which is weird now that I think about it - is keep track of the number of individual shows. I really should do that. But here is the tally of radio so far in 2024.

As of June 30, poor old Portland has heard me on 94 radio shows on 3 different stations. Two of my shows are theme-based, but sometimes I return to previous themes, so I have explored only 44 original themes this year. Coincidentally 44 of those shows have been live (not always the ones with original themes tho). 50 of them have been recorded. It has been a total of 154 hours of radio (as of June 30). That's almost six & half days of radio. I feel just awful about that.

Here's the grand total:
27 episodes of Self Help Radio
26 episodes of Corporate Standardized Programming
26 episodes of The Dickenbock Report
15 sub shows

Does it add up to 94? I hope so. Self Help Radio moved from Freeform Portland to KBOO in March. I "recreated" two FFP SHRs for KBOO in January & February so I am counting those. I subbed a show on XRAY that was such a disaster that I am not counting it - so don't ask me to.

That's that. A little worrying. I suspect the year-end tally will be terrifying. Anyway. I'll talk magnets tomorrow.

* Steel Powder on Magnet by Aney is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Macaroni Day

(Image by Slice Of Chic from here*)

Hello news junkie/foodie! July 7 is National Macaroni Day. It seems important that we report on that. & so we shall.

That's tomorrow, July 7, noon to 1pm on XRAY - 91.1+107.1fm in town, xray dot fm everywhere.

We'll talk macaroni, hear musical reports, & have a live report from the Portland Macaroni Festival. & probably eat a lot of macaroni. Just because.

* Image used under the Attribution-Noncommercial Nodervis 2.0 Generic license.

Friday, July 05, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 30 + July 2 2024)

(Death Valley rattlesnake by Jeff Sullivan from here*)

Another week of radio! From Corvettes to Death Valley. Here's the rundown.

The Dickenbock Report on Sunday was a celebration of the classic American sports car the Corvette, as it was National Corvette Day. You can listen to that show on the XRAY website or on the Self Help Radio website - here's a direct link for that. You may be asked for a username & password. Those are SHR & selfhelp respectively.

Self Help Radio this week was about Death Valley. The KBOO website is still having issues but you can listen on the Self Help Radio website - here's the link for that. The same username/password situation applies.

Finally, this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming was a lot of new releases - like it usually is every other week. Listen to it by clicking here.

If you'd like to see playlists & stuff, they're all on the Self Help Radio website.

Time to get started for next week!

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Self Help Radio 070224: Death Valley

(original image by Andrew Mace found here*)

Recent events in this dying republic colored this show somewhat, as I was depressed most of yesterday, when I should have been focused on the show. That it didn't turn out so badly (in my opinion) has to do with the work done before - I wanted to find enough songs that I liked to fill up a show about Death Valley & that took a little time. It's not the most common of topics, but also it's not the most common of places. Hopefully one day I'll get to visit.

You can visit this show at the Self Help Radio website. You'll need the username SHR & password selfhelp to access. But only once! There are other radio shows there too. What happened on this this radio show is noted below.

Is Death Valley a good place to hide I wonder?

Self Help Radio Death Valley Show
"Death Valley Is Just Half Way To My Home" Lonnie Johnson _Complete Recorded Works 1925-1932 In Chronological Order Volume 5_
"Death Valley Blues" Alice Moore _St. Louis Women. Vol. 2_
"Death Valley Blues" Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup _Mean Ol' Frisco_

introduction & definitions

"Death Valley Run" The Hondells _Go Little Honda_
"Going Down To Death Valley" The Raymen _Going Down_
"Death Valley '69" Sonic Youth _Bad Moon Rising_
"Death Valley '94" Bügsküll _Phantasies & Senseitions_

interview with Oscar Telsen, who lives somewhat off the grid in Death Valley

"Death Valley" Edwin Torres _Holy Kid_
"Death Valley Rain" Steve Wynn _Here Come The Miracles_
"Driving Death Valley Blues" Mark Lanegan Band _Bubblegum_
"Death Valley" The Bellyachers _Heavy In My Hands_

interview with Otto Taylor, author of "The Monsters Of Death Valley"

"Death Valley Boogie" Death Valley Girls _Glow In The Dark_
"Death Valley Queen" Flogging Molly _Drunken Lullabies_
"Death Valley" Wearenotwhoweare _Wearenotwhoweare EP_
"Death Valley Ass" Poor Man's Whiskey _Roadside Attraction_

interview with Olivia Thomas, who wants to start a commune in Death Valley

"Death Valley" Barbara M. Hallman _Perfect Moment_
"Death Valley" Stella Schindler _Distant Hum_
"Death Valley" David Haerle _Death Valley_
"Death Valley Girls" Thee Arcadians _We've Come For Your Parents_

Sir Archibald Von Poesy favors us with a pram

"Death Valley Day" Jon Langford & Skull Orchard _Old Devils_
"Death Valley" Begushkin _King's Curse_
"Death Valley" My Jerusalem _Preachers_
"Death Valley Acid" Wylderness _Wylderness_

conclusion & goodbye

"Death Valley Days" The Western States Motel _Freeway Freeway Riverbed_
"Death Valley Sunday" The Electric Lazarus _Death Valley Sunday_

* Image is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license. The image has been modified by adding the Self Help Radio logo to it.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Whither Death Valley?

("Death Valley Scenic Byway" from here.)

(A sad footnote is below)*

Sometimes you get a wild hair up your ass.

That delightful euphemism means, according to the Free Dictionary, to "become obsessed (with someone or something), often when said obsession is strange or unexpected."

Death Valley is not a place I've visited. I thought I drove through it almost thirty years ago, traveling from L.A. to Las Vegas, but apparently I did not.

Recently I've become a little obsessed with Death Valley. For no reason. Looking at pictures. Reading a little about it. Thinking it's not such a far drive from Portland, maybe I should head down there. & then, inevitably, wondering if there are any songs about Death Valley?

Of course there are! There are lots of them! I found tons! But did I find a lot of songs about Death Valley that I liked?

It turns out I did. & you can listen to them tonight. Midnight to 2am on 90.7fm here in Portland & at kboo dot fm everywhere in the world - maybe even Death Valley!

* I am trying to be whimsical & have fun with my radio show but the news today about the blatant corruption at the very heart of our country has made it very difficult. There's nothing I can much do about it & the helpless feeling is debilitating but I will try to make a fun radio show regardless. Just letting you know.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Preface To Death Valley: Here's A Map

(image from here)

In case you get lost in Death Valley, here's a map.

How might one get lost in Death Valley? One might be chased off the highway, & the car breaks down, & it's late at night. Sometimes it gets cold in the desert at night! It's even colder when someone is chasing you.

It has been brought to my attention that map above is a map of the National Park, not all of Death Valley. So if you do get lost in Death Valley, make sure it's in the National Park. That way you have a handy map (provided above) to help you find your way.

How might one get lost in Death Valley National Park? One might think that, since it's a National Park, one will find many amenities like a water slide or a public pool & one might try to find them. That would be a mistake! There are no water slides in Death Valley National Park.

Good thing you have the map! There are snakes out there! & people chasing you off the road!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Corvette Day

(image from here)

June 30 is National Corvette Day. Lovers of sports cars rejoice! Tune in to the Dickenbock Report on XRAY FM as we explore these American icons, featuring lots of musical reports, a movie review, & more. More means me talking.

Tomorrow! Sunday, June 30, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm.

As an aside: do not loan your Corvette to Dick Dickenbock for the day. Previous Corvette Days have been a bit heartbreaking for such generous souls.

Friday, June 28, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 23 25 + 26 2024)

(Pete is done for the night)

Another busy week making radio almost literally no one listens to! Let's start on Sunday!

The Dickenbock Report had a show for National Typewriter Day. Lots of songs with lots of typewriter sounds. Here is it on the XRAY page. You can also listen to it (& download it) on the Self Help Radio home page by clicking here. Use the username/password SHR/selfhelp to access - anything from the SHR website will need those, but I think only once per session.

Self Help Radio has a show about mangos. You can listen to that show by clicking here. Sadly, the KBOO website is still being wonky so you'll have to listen to it on the SHR page. I thought it was a fun show, & I can say with all honestly that I very much loved finding mango songs - & typewriter songs too!

Corporate Standardized Programming had another show featuring artists we've lost. Listen to that show by clicking here. It's a cheery one. I confess to liking the song "Ramblin' Man," tho, so it's got something for everyone. What?

Finally, I subbed Dr. Zomb's Stereo Obscura on Wednesday. I have not put that show's playlist on the Self Help Radio website yet - I like Self Help Radio episodes to be at the top & so I'll put the playlist up next Tuesday. But if you wanna see the playlist anyway, you will find it at the Spinitron site. & if you'd like to listen, I have uploaded it the SHR website & you can click here to hear.

& that's how I made six hours of radio this past week. Or not how. It's the six hours I made. "How" is "shabbily."

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Self Help Radio 062524: Mangos

At last! A radio show about mangos. Someone texted me, "I can't bear how good a ripe mango is. I could eat way too much." If only a radio show could make someone feel the same way! It might have to be a show about mangos.

Please enjoy two hours of mango songs + silly guests & an even sillier live performance by a pair of "musicians." The show is at the Self Help Radio website. To access you will need a username - SHR - & a password. Most everything that happens on the show is noted below.

So yeah. It's mango time!

Self Help Radio Mango Show
"Mangos" Rosemary Clooney _The Essence Of Rosemary Clooney_
"Mango Vendor" Nina & Frederik _Nina & Frederik_
"Mango Song" Marty Robbins _Island Woman_

introduction & definitions

"Mango Time" Tony Bird _Sorry Africa_
"Mango Walk" The In-Crowd _Darker Than Blue: Soul From Jamdown 1973-1980_
"Mango Talk" Hari Kondabolu _Warn Your Relatives_
"Mango" Lindsey Mills with Handmade, Amigo _Stonefruit_

interview with fruit inspector Dr. Ian Waterson

"Mango Tree" Angus & Julia Stone _Memories Of An Old Friend_
"Underneath The Mango Tree" Calypso Rose _Calypso Rose_
"Mango Meat" Mandrill _Just Outside Of Town_
"Mango" Mawaan _Mango_

interview with Self Help Radio's favorite chef Ingrid West

"El Mango" Calibre 50 _Desde El Rancho_
"Hairy Mango" Jackie Opel _The Best Of Jackie Opel_
"Mango" Coupé Cloué _Maximum Compas From Haiti_
"Djeli Mango" Kante Manfila Vs Sorry Bamba _Clash Mandique_

interview with mango booster Ivan Wickersham

"Mangos & Rice" Hanni El Khatib _Savage Times_
"Mango Terrarium" Psychedelic Porn Crumpets _Shyga! The Sunlight Mound_
"Embrace The Sloppy Chaos Of The Mango" John Oliver _Last Week Tonight S11 E13_
"Mango Juice" Shonen Knife _Heavy Songs_

a mango taste test a performance by Ned Dry & Captain McCheese

"The Mango Song" Danny Carnahan & Robin Petrie _Cut & Run_
"Mango" The Orielles _Silver Dollar Moment_
"Julie Mangos" Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes _What Kinda Music_
"Mango Tree" Hugh Masekela _Siparia To Soweto_

conclusion & goodbye

"Orange & Mango" The Phoenix Foundation _Buffalo_
"Mango Tree" Aden _Topsiders_
"Mango" Highs _Highs_

Monday, June 24, 2024

Whither Mangos?

(image found here)

Yesterday I confessed that I (unlike most of the world) am not the biggest fan of the mango. I don't hate them - just don't enjoy the difficult process of eating them, & don't seek out mango in treats & entrees.

You may well ask then "Why do a show about mangos?" The answer is, because I live with a mango fiend. This fiend, my wife, prefers a specific kind of mango. They need to be dried. & they need to have some kind of sugar chili coating. She frickin loves dried mango. & I am often tasked to find the dried mango. There's none at Costco? Have you tried Trader Joe's? What about Natural Grocers? Okay, just get the stuff at Safeway that'll be fine.

When a person spends as much time as I have looking for mango, it naturally occurs to a person (if that person has a radio show) to perhaps maybe why not do a radio show about mangos? It is a beloved fruit the world over. & in my house, where my wife's love of mangos is enough for all of us.

Also, she said to me recently, "It's summer, make me more food with mango in it." I might've heard that as "make me a radio show about mangos."

It's happening tonight. Midnight to 2am. On 90.7fm in Portland, kboo dot fm everywhere.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Preface To Mangos: A Confession

(Poem by Amir Khusrow, found on Twitter)

It is with a kind of shame that I make this confession: I'm not all that fond of mangos.

It's true, I didn't grow up eating mangos. I barely grew up eating fresh fruit at all, as my family was very poor. But the first mango I had was probably in my twenties. & I was completely unprepared.

Oh I tried to be cool. But I made a mess. & it didn't seem to worth it.

Later on, I found I enjoyed it in meals I've made - from recipes of course - there's a black bean mango quinoa salad I enjoy as well as a Thai golden curry which uses mangos - but even then I use frozen mangos which I thaw because I have been repeatedly traumatized by the embarrassing attempts to properly peel a mango.

& yet here I am, making a radio show about mangos - why is that? I'll tell ya tomorrow.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Typewriter Day

June 23 is National Typewriter Day. Please help reclaim this delightful invention from the hipsters who use it now only for doggerel! Tune in to the Dickenbock Report on XRAY FM as we explore typewriters, their history, their future, their sounds. Especially their sounds. Lots of the musical reports include typewriter sounds. Because typewriters are naturally rhythmic.

Tomorrow! Sunday, June 23, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm. Do tune in.

Yes, I'm writing this on a computer. What's your point?

Friday, June 21, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 15 16 + 18 2024)

My cat Boone says hello?!?

Here is a late Friday reminder of the radio stuff I did this past week, shared at a time when it's guaranteed no one will see it. Which is probably for the best.

If you turned on Freeform Portland randomly this week, you might have heard an "evergreen" program I made in support of their current fundraiser. Though I am not doing a show there at the moment, I still volunteer & am glad to help. Holy shit it's playing as I am writing this! That's freaky. Anyway, you may have heard it as you listened but if you'd like to hear the show, you can find it directly here. Please make use of the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access. & if you are feeling generous & love the station as much as I & its wonderful volunteers do, perhaps think of becoming a Friend Of Freeform?

The Dickenbock Report aired at its regular time. It was a show about fudge because it was National Fudge Day. Listen to it at this link (same username/password conditions apply). Or listen to it at the XRAY web page. Or wait don't. It doesn't appear to be there. I wonder what happened. I got very little feedback about it. I was happy to find so many songs about fudge that I liked.

On Corporate Standardized Programming I played a bunch of new releases. Listen to that show here. The KBOO website is still having issues or else I'd like there too.

& finally Self Help Radio was another celebration of the wit & wisdom of the Rev Dr Howard Gently. You can listen to it here. We'll return to him in like three months. As wonderful as it is to hear my dear friend's voice & enjoy his brilliance, it does take it out of me a bit. But gosh I am so glad he made so many appearances on my show!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Self Help Radio 061824: Howard Gently Year Three

Wow! That's my friend Russell supporting Self Help Radio ten years before the show existed! Little did he know twenty-two years later he would transform into a spiritual huckster named The Rev. Dr. Howard Gently & be on that very show!

The truth is, we know so very little about how our lives would turn out. The Gary who took that picture around 1992 wasn't even on the radio yet. You could not have convinced me then that it would become the thing I'd love to do most in my life. & you would've astonished me if you told me I would lose my friend Russell when we were in our fifties. We were barely in our twenties then!

One thing I am very grateful for is that Russell played Howard Gently on my show for so many years. This week I continue playing his appearances in chronological order - appearances from January 26 to June 7, 2016, when the show aired in Lexington, Kentucky, on WRFL.

You can listen to the show now at the Self Help Radio website. You'll need a username (SHR) & a password (selfhelp) to access the file. It's mainly Howard Gently bits but I include a song from the original show that I think Russell would've liked. All the details are below.

More Howard Gently in three months!

Self Help Radio Howard Gently Year Three Show
"Lay Hands" Russell Miles _Six Tunes By 'Russ'_

"Black Crow" Joni Mitchell _Hejira_
Howard Gently on the theme "Crows"
"I'll Regret It All In The Morning" Richard & Linda Thompson _Hokey Pokey_
Howard Gently on the theme "Regret"
"The Great Pretender" Stan Freberg _Tip Of The Freberg: The Stan Freberg Collection 1951-1998_
Howard Gently on the theme "Pretend"

"My World Is Empty Without You" The Supremes _The Complete Motown Singles, Vol. 5: 1965_
Howard Gently on the theme "Emptiness"
"Me, I Disconnect From You" Tubeway Army _Replicas_
Howard Gently on the theme "Connections"
"Slow Down" Tammi Terrell _The Essential Collection_
Howard Gently on the theme "Slow Down"

"You Woke Up My Neighborhood" Billy Bragg _Don't Try This At Home_
Howard Gently's assistant Bentley on the theme "Neighborhoods"
"The Law" Leonard Cohen _Various Positions_
Howard Gently on the theme "Spiritual Laws"
"Flight Of The Bumble Bee" Harry James & His Orchestra _Swingin' The Classics_
Howard Gently on the theme "Bees"

"Laughter & Forgetting" David Sylvian _Gone To Earth_
Howard Gently on the theme "Forgetting"
"Take Me I'm Yours" Squeeze _Squeeze_
Howard Gently Calls!

"In Walked Bud" Thelonious Monk _The Complete Blue Note Recordings_

Monday, June 17, 2024

Whither Howard Gently Year Three?

That picture up there - I did something kinda weird. That's my friend Russell over thirty years ago, in front of my apartment on Avenue A in Austin, Texas. (I wrote about that place here.) He was modeling a shirt that said "Built Like A Mack Truck." I removed the words & I put a picture of Howard Gently there. That's a character that Russell wouldn't invent for another twenty years. It seems to me a very strange thing I've done. But I suspect it would've made him laugh.

Actually I don't have a lot of pictures of Russ. I don't know why that is. I guess male friends don't take many pictures of each other - or maybe it was just us.

In any event, it's been a year now since he died & once again I am returning to the interviews he improvised with me for my dumb radio show. I am playing them in chronological order because I want to experience them again & it's a way for me to be close to him now he's gone & I want to share with you how funny & smart & clever he was. He was a good friend & he flattered me to do this with me.

That's happening tonight on KBOO. Midnight to 2am. 90.7fm & I have been gathering the segments all day & laughing my ass off. I'm glad I have them - but it makes me miss him more.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Preface To Howard Gently Year Three: Melba

(image from here)

This week I'll be taking some time to celebrate my dear friend & collaborator Russell whom I lost about a year ago. It's cruel that time passes, it's crueler still that that means that I'll never see nor speak to him again. But I am grateful that I convinced him to play the spiritual grifter Howard Gently on my show & that I can share those regularly. & I will, until I've gone through all of them. I miss him so much.

His character Melba Jackson gained him a small amount of fame & acclaim among the prank call cognoscente in the 1990s. But he did the character way before that. & even though I don't think I was there when he invented her, I found a tape of him & me back when we were kids which I think was the first time I heard him do that voice. Hilariously, he killed her off right away.

Hm, I thought I shared it on my show about Russell from last summer. Maybe I just didn't note it in the playlist. If you listen, remember you'll need a username (SHR) & a password (selfhelp). & let me know if it's there. I may want to share it again.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Fudge Day

(image from here)

June 16 is National Fudge Day because of course it is. But what do we really know about this delicious treat, this chocolatey, creamy delight? Tune in to the Dickenbock Report on XRAY FM on the National Day Of Fudge as we explore the fudge you know - & the fudge you don't know.

Oh, & we'll announce the winner of the Dickenbock Report National Fudge Day slogan which is "Fudge around & find out." Except we announced it just now. So I guess we don't have to.

Tomorrow! Sunday, June 16, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm. Do tune in. There'll be vegan fudge too!

Friday, June 14, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 9 + 11 2024)

Though it's pretty obvious I am terrible at promoting this show, I do try to share when I have a new show here on the blog & also on Twitter & Facebook. In fact, I just share the blog posts, because I am relatively lazy. I had an image this week which was a chalk drawing of guts that my wife helped me with, but Facebook wouldn't let me share it because their AI thought it was a picture of someone nude. Which is sort of was - like nude without skin. I hope that the image above isn't too racy for Facebook.

This week the Dickenbock Report celebrated Cole Porter's birthday. You can listen on the Self Help Radio webpage directly by clicking this here link. Remember you'll need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp) to listen. Or you can listen on the Dickenbock Report XRAY page here.

& of course Self Help Radio was a show about guts. Here's a direct link to that show. Sadly there's an issue with the KBOO website at the moment that prevented me from uploading there so you can only listen on the show's website. The same username/password combo above works here.

Finally, I had another morbid episode of Corporate Standardized Programming where I played lots of music by artists we lost in early April. You can listen to that show here.

That was the week that was.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gutsy Films

(from the IMDb)

Our resident cinephile Chuck stopped by this week to talk about films featuring guts. Because "guts" was the theme. You should listen to the show at the Self Help Radio website. When you get to Chuck's segment, follow along with these helpful links he has provided:

Letterboxd list
YouTube playlist of films & trailers
IMDb list of films available to stream for free elsewhere

*Chuck's note: Right now it's just all the links seen here, but go ahead & give me a follow - I usually follow back.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Self Help Radio 061124: Guts

Wow. That's some gutsy sidewalk art!

Okay, I'm done with the guts puns. I'm not going to talk about spilling my guts or hating someone's guts or having a gut feeling or feeling gutted or anything like that anymore. The guts show is done. It was luckily not gut-wrenching. Frankly I've had a gutful of it.

But maybe you've got the guts to listen - or listen again? It's available now at the Self Help Radio website. Make sure you use the username/password combo SHR/selfhelp to listen. Normally it's also available at the KBOO website, but the site is having some issues. When I'm able to upload it there, I'll add that information here.

Lots of songs about guts + interviews + other stuff. Details below.

No time for a gut check! Listen to the show!

Self Help Radio Guts Show
"It's A Gut Thing" The Bevis Frond _Hit Squad_
"I Love Your Guts" Blanketarms _Yay 4 Cuteness_
"Gut Pageant" Kristin Hersh _Strange Angels_

introduction & definitions

"Guts" John Cale _Slow Dazzle_
"Guts" Alex Winston _King Con_
"Guts" Ricked Wicky _I Sell The Circus_
"Gut Bucket" James Brown _James Brown's Funky Summer_

interview with self-defense expert Laura Ross

"Gutache" Close Lobsters _Headache Rhetoric_
"Gut Feeling" Devo _Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!_
"Gut Symmetries" Parenthetical Girls _Entanglements_
"Great Green Gobs" Tom Glazer _Kooky Songs_

interview with nutritionist Louis Rich

"Gut Guidance" Gogol Bordello _Solidaritine_
"From The Gut" Hüsker Dü _Everything Falls Apart_
"Gutted" The C.I.A. _The C.I.A._
"Gut Of The Quantifier" The Fall _This Nation's Saving Grace_

our resident cinephile Chuck stops by

"Guts & Teeth" Old Man Markley _Mild In The Streets: Fat Music Unplugged_
"Gut Feeling" Peter Bjorn & John _Darker Days_
"Get Her Gut Her" Warren Dunes _Aquamarine_
"Hollow Gut" Lowlife _Eternity Road (Reflections Of Lowlife 85-95)_

interview with proctologist Dr. Leonard Rogers

"Guts/Glory" Mise En Scene _Still Life On Fire_
"Trust Your Gut" Worriers _Trust Your Gut_
"Guts" The Weaklings _Remarkably Good_
"Gut Feeling" Malcolm Middleton _Bananas_

conclusion & goodbye

"You Guys Talk, We'll Spill Our Guts" To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie _The Patron_

Monday, June 10, 2024

Whither Guts?

(image from here)

Though that image above is focused on the stomach, & the stomach is part of the guts, I hope you'll accept the picture in toto. Because the show is not about the stomach alone. But the guts. All the guts!

Oh how I hope you have the guts to listen to this show. I mean that figuratively, of course - you obviously have the guts or how else would you digest your food? & how gross is digestion, really? Could it be that at some point I had a stomach issue - because of eating fermented food at a local restaurant that specialized in fermented food - & it made me think, "What is this doing to my ill-prepared gut flora?" & that that led to me wondering about whether I would have the guts to eat there again? & which led to me wondering if I should do a radio show about guts?

That all is true! & now there's a guts show & my guts recovered eventually.

Tonight! I spill my guts! From midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in Portland, kboo dot fm every darn where.

& it's fine to hate my guts. I'm not that fond of them either.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Preface To Guts: Oh No Another Body Parts Episode!

(from here)

It is a time-honored tradition of theme-based shows to rely upon body parts every now & then. Hair, eyes, hands, feet, skin, mouths, ears, knees - since so many songs are about people & those people are made up of many different parts, it's only natural to sometimes focus on the parts instead of the whole. A song about a part that represents a whole might even be an interesting departure.

Self Help Radio this week has decided to focus on a body part - guts. Like other body parts, guts have a figurative meaning that is used as often if not more often than the literal one. Perhaps the songwriter is not generally inclined to pen a ditty about intestines. & yet of course some do. There's always someone writing a song about the thing you didn't imagine anyone would write a song about.

In fact, one might even say... Sorry, that's an awkward sentence. Should it be There's always someone writing a song about the thing about which you didn't imagine anyone would write a song? Is the second about superfluous? The sentence There's always someone writing a song about the thing you didn't imagine anyone would write a song feels incomplete to me. Oh no. Am I going to have to diagram that sentence?

Well I've lost my train of thought. I guess I wanted to point out it's another show about a body part. Which is something that happens on shows based on themes. Just usually it's not something as icky as guts.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: Cole Porter's Birthday

(image from the Wikipedia)

Hardly anything is happening in the world, so tomorrow on The Dickenbock Report on XRAY FM, we take the time to celebrate the birthday of songwriter Cole Porter, born June 9, 1891.

We will of course feature musical reports - which is to say, his songs - but also a special report about Portland's annual Cole Porter Look-A-Like Contest. It would be unfortunate to miss such an hour of news.

Tomorrow! Sunday, June 9, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm. Do tune in. It will be de-lovely.

Friday, June 07, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 2 + 4 2024)

All the images of helicopters shared this week were taken by me with a kinda shabby camera I have that I use to take shabby pictures. I've taken lots of not-very-good images of helicopters is what I'm trying to say.

& yet we start with this week's overview of radio with The Dickenbock Report which aired Sunday the 2nd on XRAY. It was International Sex Workers' Day so I played songs about well you know. You can listen to + download the show at the Self Help Radio website directly by clicking here. Use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access. You can also listen to the show at the XRAY FM website by clicking here. But you can't download it there.

As noted, the theme of Self Help Radio this week was helicopters. You can listen to that show at the Self Help Radio website by clicking here - same username/password situation mentioned above applies here - or you can listen on the KBOO website by clicking here.

The last hour on the KBOO website is my show Corporate Standardized Programming. This week I played lots of new releases. If you'd like to listen to it all by itself, you can do so at the Self help Radio website by clicking here. Again, it's already on the KBOO website with Self Help Radio. Again again, if you download it at the Self Help Radio you'll need to use the password.

And that was all! I mean, it's still a lot, but not nearly as bad as last week!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Self Help Radio 060424: Helicopters

While I was doing the show this morning I had the strangest feeling of déjà vu - had I done a show about helicopters before? I have been making Self Help Radio episodes for 22 years & I most definitely have repeated myself - both accidentally & deliberately - but that's why I created the page that lists all the themes I've explored. Helicopters as a theme wasn't there. I must have been remembering a radio I did in a parallel universe.

Which is sad. I had hoped that parallel universe me had found something more constructive to do with his time.

Meanwhile! We had a good time pretending to be whirling about in the sky for a couple of hours. We chatted with helicopter weirdoes, we heard helicopter songs, & I was very lucky it wasn't as loud as it could've been. My ears are a bit worn out. & I might need theme some more in my life.

Listen to the show either at the KBOO Self Help Radio page or at the Self Help Radio website. At the show's website, please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access. All the stuff that happened is listed below.

Self Help Radio Helicopters show
"Helicopter" Caspar Babypants _Sing Along!_
"Helicopter" The Not-Its! _We Are The Not-Its!_
"Whirly-Bird" Silver Apples _Silver Apples_

introduction & definitions

"Helicopter Honeymoon" Scrotum Poles _Messthetics # 105: DIY 77-81 Scotland I_
"Helicopter" XTC _Drums & Wires_
"The Helicopter Spies" Swell Maps _....In 'Jane From Occupied Europe'_
"Police In Helicopter" John Holt _Police In Helicopter_

interview with helicopter tour pilot Chris Dean

"Helicopter Helicopter" The Associates _Perhaps_
"Just Helicopters" The Wonder Stuff _Hot Love Now! E.P._
"Helicopter" Swirl _...One Last Kiss_
"N.Y. By Helicopter" The Rock*A*Teens _Baby, A Little Rain Must Fall_

interview with helicopter parent specialist Carl Donner

"When That Helicopter Comes" The Handsome Family _In The Air_
"Helicopter" Fairmount Girls _Tender Trap_
"Everywhere With Helicopter" Guided By Voices _The Best Of Guided By Voices: Human Amusements At Hourly Rates_
"Helicopter 666" Cobra Killer _Cobra Killer_

interview with helicopter stuntperson Craig Dunn

"Helicopters" The Crayon Fields _Animal Bells_
"Helicopter People" The Magic Whispers _Carousels & Music Boxes_
"Helicopter" Eros & The Eschaton _Weight Of Matter_
"Men In Helicopters" Adrian Belew _Young Lions_

interview with helicopter news reporter Cathy Darnell

"Helicopter" M. Ward _Transfiguration Of Vincent_
"Helicopter" Ora The Molecule _Human Safari_
"Helicopter" Earth Girl Helen Brown _Four Satellites Vol. 1_

conclusion & goodbye

"Here Come The Choppers" Loudon Wainwright III _Here Come The Choppers_
"Helicopters" Red House Painters _Red House Painters_

Monday, June 03, 2024

Whither Helicopters?

It is a shameful thing to admit, but the show this week started with a meme.

Maybe it's a meme? It certainly started with Facebook. Facebook is basically unusable to me at this point because I no longer can go to my general timeline & see what my friends are doing - it's filled with paid "suggested for me" things that I didn't chose & don't care about. What I do look at are the "Facebook memories" - I've been on Facebook for fifteen years so it's an accidental scrapbook where I can especially see pictures of my now-gone pets.

But also there are the arguably funny things I post. This is something I found on the Tumblrs many years ago that Facebook memories showed to me in February or March:

Sadly I don't know where it's from so I can't credit the creator! It did make me think if a radio show about helicopters would be fun. So I started to plan for one.

Inspiration is kinda stupid some of the time.

There's a Self Help Radio show about helicopters tonight on KBOO. That's midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in town & online at kboo dot fm. Hopefully it won't be too loud. But keep your head down.