Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Self Help Radio 091724: Howard Gently Year Three, Continued

There's not a lot to add when it comes to series in multiple parts. This is another collections of improvised bits featuring my late friend Russell appearing as my spiritual mentor The Rev Dr Howard Gently that aired in Kentucky from June to September 2016. They represent the fifty-sixth through sixty-sixth appearances of Howard Gently on the show. I still grieve for my friend but feel so incredibly lucky that I have so many recordings of him being how I most remember him: creative & funny.

Listen to the show either on the KBOO website or on the Self Help Radio website. If you chose the latter, remember the username SHR & password selfhelp. I began the show with a song Russell himself wrote & performed. Since Russell improvised on the show's themes, I played a song from each show (one I knew he liked or I thought he might like) & then the Howard Gently segment. You can see how that works below.

As Howard Gently might say, "Blessed be, or whatever."

Self Help Radio Howard Gently Year Three Continued Show
"Travelogue" Russell Miles _Travelogue_

"The Morning Fog" Kate Bush _Hounds Of Love_
Howard Gently on the theme "Fog"
"Torture" The Psychedelic Furs _Midnight To Midnight_ (Columbia, 1987)
Howard Gently on the theme "Torture"
"Take It Easy Bay" The Animals _Animal Tracks_ (MGM, 1965)
Howard Gently on the theme "Take It Easy"

"Breakin' Bread" Fred & The New J.B.'s _Breakin' Bread_ (People, 1974)
Howard Gently on the theme "Bread"
"Hold On" John Lennon _Plastic Ono Band_ (Apple, 1970)
Howard Gently on the theme "Hold On"
"Fashion" David Bowie _Scary Monsters_ (RCA Victor, 1980)
Howard Gently on the theme "Fashion"

"Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye" Leonard Cohen _Songs Of Leonard Cohen_ (Columbia, 1968)
Howard Gently on the theme "Goodbye"
"Lakeside View Apartments Suite" The Mountain Goats _Transcendental Youth_ (Merge, 2012)
Howard Gently on the theme "Lakes"
"Randall Knife" Guy Clark _Craftsman_ (Philo, 1995)
Howard Gently on the theme "Knives"

"Bend A Little My Way" Nat King Cole _The Beautiful Ballads_
Howard Gently on the theme "Bending"
"Nobody Knows" James Brown _The Singles, Volume 4: 1966-1967_
Howard Gently on the theme "Nobody Knows"

Monday, September 16, 2024

Whither Howard Gently Year Three, Continued?

That picture above was taken in Chicago in 2018. I probably sent it to Russell. It was always funny to see his name on signs & things like that. Nowadays I feel like I see his name more often - & can't send him the pictures I take anymore.

My friend Russell died last year. We had known each other since childhood. Or at least early adolescence. He improvised funny interviews on my show for many years. & to pay tribute to him, every few months I share some more of those interviews. I am playing them in alphabetical order. I will play bits from his third year appearing as my spiritual mentor The Rev Dr Howard Gently.

That's tonight, midnight to 2am, on 90.7fm in town, kboo dot fm everywhere. As he might have said in excitement knowing I was devoting another radio show entirely to him, ji-ki-bo-sho-to!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Preface To Howard Gently Year Three, Continued: Sad Song On A Broken Guitar

This week's show continues sharing bits by my friend Russell who appeared on my show as the Rev Dr Howard Gently for many years. I knew him for almost my whole life. He died last year. Today is his birthday.

A few months back I took that picture of a broken guitar which I came across on a dog walk. When Russell & I were roommates, one of my favorite times was when he would get out his guitar & play along to music we were listening to. He hadn't done that with me in years - since the late 1990s we mainly lived in different cities far apart - but it's a memory I cherish. It's lots of memories I cherish.

Certainly I would rather he were alive & continuing to portray Howard Gently on my show. But boy am I glad I have those recordings. I am glad to share them with you tomorrow night.