Monday, March 15, 2021

Whither Daggers?

(image from here)

You might think that a theme such as daggers -  which is the theme of tonight's Self Help Radio on KBOO - would have been inspired by a thrilling event, like a inadvertent knife-throwing contest, or a chance encounter with a dagger-wielding thief, or involvement with an ancient cult whose ceremonial dagger has fallen into the hands of evil people.  You might believe some blood was spilled, or some risks taken.  But you would be wrong.  Not to be so romantic - that's fine.  But to have thought that about this theme.  No, there was a song about daggers that I liked & I wondered if it would make a good show.  I found enough songs & here we are.

How underwhelming!  How un-dagger-like!  Maybe it's a bit cloak & dagger - except it isn't.

Listen tonight from midnight to 3am to Self Help Radio's show about daggers.  It's on 90.7 fm in town & online at  & who knows?  Like a dagger, it may be sharp, ornate, deadly, &/or carved.  Except it won't be.  It's a radio program.

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