Friday, May 31, 2024

This Week In Self Help (May 26, 27, 28,29, + 31 2024)

Holy moley I had a busy week in radio. My word.

It started Sunday the 26th which was World Dracula Day. That's what we explored on The Dickenbock Report on XRAY. Click here to access the show from the Self Help Radio website. Click here to listen on the XRAY website.

You may notice that files on the Self Help Radio website require a username & password. Those are SHR & selfhelp. Sorry for the inconvenience.

On Monday the 27th I subbed twice on KBOO. Unfortunately, they don't archive those shows on the KBOO website, but if you'd like to listen to either of them, let me tell you about them. The first was me just doing a general format play-what-I-want show. Click here to listen to that one. The second was a couple of hours of interesting sounds I've recently come across - experimental, jazz, electronic. Click here to listen to that one.

The theme of Self Help Radio was "drain." You can listen to that show by clicking here - or you can listen on the KBOO website. The show I do after Self Help Radio, Corporate Standardized Programming, is included with the KBOO file. If you'd rather listen to it alone - it featured artists we recently lost - you can find that show here.

A long time ago on WRFL I did a Self Help Radio episode with the theme "mud." I updated that show - well I played more songs, I didn't really talk much about mud - on Wednesday morning. Click here to listen to that show.

Finally, just today! I subbed the Songcircle & I played lots of songs by Alex Chilton covered by artists who admired him. Click here to listen to it on the Self Help Radio website. Click here to listen to it over on the KBOO website.

No one's counting but if I had to guesstimate it would seem like I made seven radio shows this week for a total of twelve & a half hours of radio. It's really time someone put a stop to this.

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