Friday, January 31, 2025

This Week In Self Help (January 26 + 28)

("Evolution Of A Tornado" from the Wikipedia)

Now, I did sub a show today but I will count that towards next week. This week I just did my regular programs. Nothing extra. They were:

The Dickenbock Report. A report on World Leprosy Day. Really. It's on the XRAY website. It's on the Self Help Radio website.

Self Help Radio. A show about tornados. It's on the KBOO website. It's on the Self Help Radio website.

Corporate Standardized Programming. An hour of new electronica & jazz. It's part of the KBOO show linked above or a stand-alone program on the Self Help Radio website.

Oh! I forgot to mention! If you can't access the files on the Self Help Radio website - if it asks you for a username & password - the username is SHR & the password is selfhelp.

& that was the week where I did shows about leprosy & tornados.

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