Monday, February 17, 2025

Whither Vacancy?

(photo by b d from here)

Honestly, I am such a fan of empty spaces, vacant lots, & abandoned buildings that I am surprised it has taken me this long to explore this topic on the show. Currently there are two buildings in our neighborhood that have either recently been demolished or are in the process of being demolished. One is now a vacant lot, but will soon have a few townhouses crammed into it.

But there are long-term vacant lots in my neighborhood too on which properties are continually promised/threatened to be built. There are also home which I am certain have been vacant for a very long time - walking by them on dogwalks, I look for holes in the ceiling, broken glass, signs of the world - or humans - finding their way in. During the pandemic we got to witness the porch of one of those homes crumble over the course of several days. That's thrilling to me - like being involved in something usually geological.

It's not just lots & buildings that are vacant that we'll hear songs & talk about tonight - there are always vacant stares too! & the mind can be quite vacant. & sometimes a place is happy to tell you it has a vacancy - hoping you'll fill it.

Self Help Radio's show about vacancy happens tonight on KBOO from midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in Portland & online everywhere at kboo dot fm. & KBOO always has a vacancy for you!

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