Behold! A radio show for the humble snail! Not that any snail will have time to listen to it. When I snapped the picture above, the snail took seven hours to cross the sidewalk. It was mesmerizing.
Will a show about snails be as hypnotic? That's not for me to say. It is for snails to say, & once they get here, I assume they will have a lot to say. But we may have to wait a bit. They have decided to detour to get some froyo.
Listen to the show for yourself. You can do so on the KBOO website click here! Or you can do so on the Self Help Radio website click here! (You may need to use the username SHR & password selfhelp to access.) Almost everything that happened on the show is listed below.
Behold! A radio show for the humble snail!
Will a show about snails be as hypnotic? That's not for me to say. It is for snails to say, & once they get here, I assume they will have a lot to say. But we may have to wait a bit. They have decided to detour to get some froyo.
Listen to the show for yourself. You can do so on the KBOO website click here! Or you can do so on the Self Help Radio website click here! (You may need to use the username SHR & password selfhelp to access.) Almost everything that happened on the show is listed below.
Behold! A radio show for the humble snail!
Self Help Radio Snail Show
"The Snail Song" The Town Criers _The Snail Song_
"(Get Off My Tail You) Sneaky Snail" The Gimicks _Buzzsaw Joint - Cuts 1 & 2_
"Snakes, Snails, & Puppydogs' Tails" Alma Cogan _Alma Cogan_
introduction & definitions
"Lament Of The Gastropod" Chris Knox _Songs Of You & Me_
"Snail Trail" Heavenly _Operation Heavenly_
"My Snails Have Not Yet Arrived" Les Barker _Up The Creek Without A Poodle_
"Mister Snail" Margo, Margo, Medress, & Siegel _Mister Snail_
"Snail" Grapple _The Psychedelic Experience Vol 4 (Ultra Rare Acid Punk Fuzz Monsters From The 60s!)_
interview with musician Charles Spangle
"Snail Head" Throwing Muses _Chains Changed_
"Snail Shell" They Might Be Giants _John Henry_
"Silver Snail" Pixies _Indie Cindy_
"Save The Snail" Camille West _Mother Tongue: Maternal Madness Month By Month_
"Migration Of The Snails" Melodic Energy Commission _Migration Of The Snails_
interview with snail ceramics artist Camille Morris
"Snails" Shantih Shantih _Winter In September_
"Slick As Snails" Robert Pollard & Doug Gillard _Speak Kindly Of Your Volunteer Fire Department_
"I Collect Snails" The Lovely Eggs _Have You Ever Heard The Lovely Eggs?_
"Snails" Weird Al Yankovic & Wendy Carlos _Peter & The Wolf/Carnival Of The Animals Part II_
"The Snail Trek, Parts 1 & 2" The Esplanade Orchestra _The Snail Trek_
interview with snail specialist Dr. Todd Hester
"Samba Snails" Sexton Ming _Marshan Love Secrets_
"Snail" Mink Lungs _The Better Button_
"Scared Of A Snail" Wolf Colonel _Vikings Of Mint_
"The Prince & The Enchanted Snail" Joan Gerber _The Story Lady_
"Snail Shells" Dana Falconberry & Medicine Bow _From The Forest Came The Fire_
conclusion & goodbye
"Snail" Benjamin B. _An Excelsior Recordings Compilation_
"Snails" Babybird _Outtakes_
"Snails" The Format _Dog Problems_
"Snails In The Creek" Alfredo RodrÃguez _The Invasion Parade_
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