Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Whither Run!?

in the auld database, where there are data saved, information about a musical collection gathered over many years, consisting of many media, vinyl, digital, compressed & uncompressed, scattered & strewn, the clever music maven begins to note similarities of title & theme, tiered & alphabetized handily, not coincidental, but in convenient blocks, lines of repeated words which signify not cover songs but originals.

"Run" is a song title. There are dozens!

"Run Run" is another song title. Only a few of these. Why?

"Run Run Run" is yet another song title. Many more of these.

Something like a spark ignites the tinder-quality gray matter in the deejay's song-soaked head. "A show!" thinks he, "A show with songs only titled "Run!" & "Run Run!" & "Run, Run Run!"

The gauntlet is thrown. The disparate, yet homogeneously named, tracks are gathered, listened to, arranged.

Another Self Help Radio is thus born!

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