Sunday, November 13, 2022

Preface To Chains: These Kinds Of Chains?

(image from here)

These kinds of chains? You're gonna do a show about these kinds of chains? Because I'll be honest I've never seen you wear these kinds of chains, Gary! I've never even seen you wear a necklace! Or any kind of jewelry! I suppose you can make a radio show about something you don't have any real experience with, but chains seems pretty specific. This website says there's three main reasons a fellow might wear a chain: as a fashion statement, as a symbol, & because gold is timeless. If we break that down, we know you're not making a fashion statement, Gary - the main statement your fashion makes is "Help!" & if there's anything you avoid, it's symbolism. You're a literal dude. As for gold being timeless - for someone who spends most of his money on music, I doubt you'd want to waste precious dollars on gold. So it can't be that these chains are what the show is about. Did I get that right? These aren't the chains Self Help Radio will be playing songs & talking about, are they? Well? Are they? No? I thought so.

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