Saturday, May 25, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: World Dracula Day

May 26 is World Dracula Day. Bram Stoker published his classic gothic horror novel on that day in 1897 - 127 years ago. While Dracula was not the first vampire, he remains arguably the most iconic one.

Tune in to the Dickenbock Report tomorrow as we report on the famous Count. In addition to many musical reports, Dick Dickenbock's favorite movie critic will recommend some vampire films. So you will have a film or two to watch for your World Dracula Day celebrations. Or you could just read the book. It's in the public domain.

Tomorrow! Sunday, May 26, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm.

We're doing the show in the sunlight surrounded by garlic just to be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don’t forget to wear a crucifix +