Friday, June 07, 2024

This Week In Self Help (June 2 + 4 2024)

All the images of helicopters shared this week were taken by me with a kinda shabby camera I have that I use to take shabby pictures. I've taken lots of not-very-good images of helicopters is what I'm trying to say.

& yet we start with this week's overview of radio with The Dickenbock Report which aired Sunday the 2nd on XRAY. It was International Sex Workers' Day so I played songs about well you know. You can listen to + download the show at the Self Help Radio website directly by clicking here. Use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access. You can also listen to the show at the XRAY FM website by clicking here. But you can't download it there.

As noted, the theme of Self Help Radio this week was helicopters. You can listen to that show at the Self Help Radio website by clicking here - same username/password situation mentioned above applies here - or you can listen on the KBOO website by clicking here.

The last hour on the KBOO website is my show Corporate Standardized Programming. This week I played lots of new releases. If you'd like to listen to it all by itself, you can do so at the Self help Radio website by clicking here. Again, it's already on the KBOO website with Self Help Radio. Again again, if you download it at the Self Help Radio you'll need to use the password.

And that was all! I mean, it's still a lot, but not nearly as bad as last week!

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