Monday, June 24, 2024

Whither Mangos?

(image found here)

Yesterday I confessed that I (unlike most of the world) am not the biggest fan of the mango. I don't hate them - just don't enjoy the difficult process of eating them, & don't seek out mango in treats & entrees.

You may well ask then "Why do a show about mangos?" The answer is, because I live with a mango fiend. This fiend, my wife, prefers a specific kind of mango. They need to be dried. & they need to have some kind of sugar chili coating. She frickin loves dried mango. & I am often tasked to find the dried mango. There's none at Costco? Have you tried Trader Joe's? What about Natural Grocers? Okay, just get the stuff at Safeway that'll be fine.

When a person spends as much time as I have looking for mango, it naturally occurs to a person (if that person has a radio show) to perhaps maybe why not do a radio show about mangos? It is a beloved fruit the world over. & in my house, where my wife's love of mangos is enough for all of us.

Also, she said to me recently, "It's summer, make me more food with mango in it." I might've heard that as "make me a radio show about mangos."

It's happening tonight. Midnight to 2am. On 90.7fm in Portland, kboo dot fm everywhere.

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