Friday, August 30, 2024

This Week In Self Help (August 23 25 + 27)

(image from here*)

The image above is of the Unisphere in Queens, New York. It's outside the Queens Museum, which I went to in the summer of 2004 when my girlfriend was working in New York for the summer. It had taken us so long to get to Queens, & we weren't really there to visit the museum, just for something she needed, & I was tired, so I didn't really appreciate it. I have shared the image tho because it's on the cover of one of the records I played on Self Help Radio this week - this one. When I got the record I was like, hey! I've seen that in real life!

But let's go back a week.

On Friday the 23rd I subbed on The Songcircle on KBOO. I played lots of new releases. You can listen to that show on the KBOO website. You can listen to it & download it even on the Self Help Radio website. Please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access the file there.

On Sunday the 25th there was an episode of The Dickenbock Report on XRAY. It was Kiss & Make Up Day, & you can listen to that show on the XRAY website. You can listen to it & download it if you'd like on the Self Help Radio website. Please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access the file there.

On Tuesday the 27th there was an episode of Self Help Radio on KBOO. It was the continuation of my Indiepop A To Z - the 75th installment! You can listen to that show on the KBOO website. You can listen to it & download it as well on the Self Help Radio website. Please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access the file there.

The KBOO file contains this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming, which was another morbid affair playing music by folks we lost recently - in this case, late May & early June of this year. Should you wish to listen to the show all by its lonesome, you can do so - & download it too - on the Self Help Radio website. Please use the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access the file there.

& that was the week that was.

* Image by Ajay Suresh licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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