Friday, August 09, 2024

This Week In Self Help (August 4, 5, + 6 2024)

That image above was downloaded by me from the Internets over eight years ago. I have no idea from where & I have no idea who created it. It's brilliant & I'm sad I can't tell you anything about its creator(s).

What I can tell you about is what I did on the radio this week. The usual stuff plus I subbed a show. Let's do it in chronological order.

The Dickenbock Report aired on Sunday on XRAY. It was International Owl Awareness Day so I played songs & talked about owls. Who? Owls! If you give a hoot, you can listen to the show on its XRAY web page. You can also listen + download the show at the Self Help Radio website. Please remember that you'll need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp) to access that file from the SHR website.

On Monday I spent a couple of hours on the radio playing sounds by new releases that are outside my usual indie world. Sadly, because it was a sub show, it's not archived at the KBOO website, but you can see the playlist here & you can listen + download the show here. Please remember that you'll need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp) to access that file from the SHR website.

Self Help Radio this week, as you probably know because of the image at the top of this page, had the theme "loneliness." You can listen to that on its KBOO web page. Or you can listen + download the show at the Self Help Radio website. Please remember that you'll need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp) to access that file from the SHR website.

The show on the KBOO website contains this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming, in which I played lots of cool new indie releases. If you'd like to listen to that show all by itself, you can do so at the Self Help Radio website. Please remember that you'll need a username (SHR) & password (selfhelp) to access that file from the SHR website.

& that was the week that was on the radio.

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