Monday, August 05, 2024

Whither Loneliness?

(Image by Beth Scupham from here.)

First off, I want to say that I'm amazed it's taken me this long to do a show about loneliness. I did a cursory search of my list of explored themes on the website but not a thorough one so I might have done this before.

Second off, I thought initially this would be an easy show. I thought I'd just play songs in which people talked about how lonely they were. But I discovered there were lots of songs in which people mentioned loneliness. The word, separate of "lonely." So I decided to focus on that. Which still means lots of people singing about being lonely, but also making poetic pronouncements about loneliness.

Third off, this was a show I had been thinking about a long time. It was finally decided that I do it - & then I completely changed the whole thing! It actually became about loneliness not just being lonely. What a goof I am.

The Self Help Radio show about loneliness happens tonight from midnight to 2am on 90.7fm in Portland & online at kboo dot fm everywhere. Yes, I'll be doing it alone. Radio had a great deal of loneliness all around.

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