Sunday, September 15, 2024

Preface To Howard Gently Year Three, Continued: Sad Song On A Broken Guitar

This week's show continues sharing bits by my friend Russell who appeared on my show as the Rev Dr Howard Gently for many years. I knew him for almost my whole life. He died last year. Today is his birthday.

A few months back I took that picture of a broken guitar which I came across on a dog walk. When Russell & I were roommates, one of my favorite times was when he would get out his guitar & play along to music we were listening to. He hadn't done that with me in years - since the late 1990s we mainly lived in different cities far apart - but it's a memory I cherish. It's lots of memories I cherish.

Certainly I would rather he were alive & continuing to portray Howard Gently on my show. But boy am I glad I have those recordings. I am glad to share them with you tomorrow night.

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