Sunday, October 27, 2019

Whither Frankenstein (Halloween Show 2019)?

(I wish I could remember where I found this.)

When I first conceived of this blog, I thought it might be a nice place to discuss the whys & wherefores of the show, specifically how I came up with the dumb themes that I explore every week.  It turns out that most of the time, I don't really have a big reason for exploring this or that topic.  Usually it's as mundane as "I noticed I was listening to a lot of songs with the same theme."  But this week, there's a reason!  In fact, there are several reasons!

First - it's a Halloween show.  I try to explore a different Halloween-related theme each Halloween, & this year, it's Frankenstein.

Second - I hadn't covered Frankenstein in particular before.  I did play a couple of Frankenstein songs on my Monsters Halloween show a  while back but that obviously wasn't all about Frankenstein.  I have complained I am running out of Halloween themes - I have done shows about ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, haunted houses, graveyards, nightmares, hell, mummies, clowns, death, black cats, & voodoo, & Frankenstein is noticeably absent from that list.

& third - a few weeks ago the theme was people named Frank - & I found several Frankenstein songs looking for music for that show.  It seemed like the universe was trying to tell me something.  & this time, it wasn't "Just die already!"

So tomorrow morning - 6am sharp! - it's Self Help Radio's show about Frankenstein for Halloween 2019.  Listen at 90.3 + 98.3 fm in Portland, & everywhere at Freeform Portland dot org!  It'll be scary!

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