Sunday, January 19, 2020

Whither 1984?

(Image from here.)

Wait!  No!  The show this week isn't about the book (& film) 1984, it's my favorite music from the year 1984.  Although...  I suppose I could just play Bowie's Diamond Dogs & the Eurythmics album 1984 (For The Love Of Big Brother) all the way through...  No!

Tomorrow is my birthday & every year on my birthday I explore my favorite music from a year of my life.  The first time I did this, I started the year I was born, 1968, & now, yikes! I'm up to 1984.

It's important to know that I wasn't so hip that I was actually listening to all the music you'll hear on this show.  It would be a couple of years before I discovered what we now call "post-punk," for example.  So it's safe to say that much of what you'll hear tomorrow on the show is much that happens to have been released in 1984 which I discovered sometime later - although much sooner than the music I loved in 1968.  During my first year on this planet, I didn't get a chance to go record shopping much.

It's tomorrow!  On Freeform Portland, 90.3 + 98.3 fm in the city, everywhere!  You have to listen because it's my birthday!

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