Sunday, November 22, 2020

Preface To Glam & Glamour: A Shameful Confession

(Aren't all confessions a bit shameful?  Or can you imagine a shameless confession?)

The reason the show this week has a two part theme is:

1) The fear that there wouldn't be enough songs about "glam" alone or "glamour" alone &
2) The fear that if I played songs about "glam" it would somehow not fit the theme "glamour" because of
3) The fear that someone listening might not know "glam" is short for "glamour" so
4) It's really just one theme said two different ways but that's not a reason I'll end with
5) Three hours is a really long time to do a radio show & the more themes in more parts I have
6) The more likely it is that I'll actually fill three hours.

That's all.  I really need to get to bed now.  I am nowhere near finished with this show so tomorrow is gonna suuuuuuuuuck.

& no, I don't mean for you having to listen to the show, I meant for me having to put the show together.


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