Saturday, May 11, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Hospital Day

(One of my absolute favorite moments from Community)

May 14 is National Hospitals Day. A good day to be in the hospital? No! It's never a good day to be in a hospital! People die there! But it is a good day to listen to the Dickenbock Report.

Join us tomorrow as we report on hospitals including a book report, oral reports, & of course musical reports. If we're lucky we won't get any long stories about Dick Dickenbock's time in hospitals. A person his age has spent a bit of time in the hospital. But how many stories about jello & mean nurses can one take?

Join us for our second afternoon show, Sunday, May 12, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm.

As always, consult your doctor if the Dickenbock Report makes you violently ill.

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