Saturday, May 18, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: Frog Jumping Jubilee Day

(image from Goodreads)

May 19 is Frog Jumping Jubilee Day. Down in Angels Camp in Calaveras County, California, thousands will gather this weekend (well, have gathered, as the event is happening as we speak) to have fun & commemorate the story that launched the career of Samuel Clemens. More information about that event (there's still time to attend!) is at their website.

Tune in to the Dickenbock Report tomorrow as we report not only on the event but frogs in general. We want to give context. In addition to many musical reports, we'll also have a live remote from a reporter on the ground at the Jubilee. Sadly, it's not Dick Dickenbock. He's afraid to get warts.

Tomorrow! Sunday, May 19, noon to 1pm, on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm.

We sincerely hope no frogs will be hurt in the making of the program.

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