Saturday, March 28, 2020

That Was Fast!

Last night I completed a couple of shows for KBOO - the studio has been closed for some time to staff because of the pandemic, & don't get me wrong, I think that's a very good idea.  The station has more volunteers than any place I've ever been involved at, & that decision was for the safety of everyone.  But some folks don't have the ability to prerecord their shows from home, & so the dedicated & frankly unstoppable staff have been filling in when needed.  It was the absolute least I could do to help out with some content.

So, yeah, I finished two shows - & they're going to be on the air tomorrow!  That's very gratifying & I hope you can listen.  The first - which is a show about breakfast - & which leans heavily on an episode of Self Help Radio I did over ten years ago will air at 11am, & the second - a show about ambition - which borrows liberally from an episode of Self Help Radio from five years ago will air at 3pm.

Is it weird that I will be on KBOO during the day?  Yes!  Is it sad that it's prerecorded?  Heck no!  I honestly wish I could do more, but in addition to keeping myself sane in these dark days, I have a wife & many animals I need to care about as well.  I am quite busy.

If you can listen at 90.7fm or at tomorrow, that will be swell.  I'll announce it over on the show's Facebook page as well as on the Self Help Radio twitter, & I'll probably live tweet the shows.

See you tomorrow!

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